Friday, March 11, 2005



The Dead Raised

"With tears running down my face, I placed my hand on the mans chest, right over his heart. I prayed, Lord, I don't know who this man is, but you do. I ask that you move in mercy and Great Grace on his behalf, Father raise this man! I felt extreme heat go into my shoulder , down my arm and out my hand. The dead man's chest swelled up as if someone had blown air into his lifeless lungs. Color started coming back to his face. People in the crowd gasp, and did a very peculiar thing, they ran away!! You heard me....they ran away!"

And as you go, preach, saying "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand". Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the Lepers, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. - Matthew 10:8 .

Email your Report or Testimony! to Send Revival: Click here!


10/31/02 - Baby raised from the dead in Nigeria

A christian friend told the lady to come to church and be prayed for, as no harm could be done by this. The lady agreed to come to church, still planning to keep her appointment at the hospital.


Letter from Richard M. Riss on the fact of resurrections

It is a matter of historical record that resurrections from the dead accompanied the ministries of Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947), William Branham(1909-1965), and, more recently, David Hogan. On Branham, see, for example.


Railroad Engineer raised from the Dead

I was lying there still, apparently dead. Four hours, five hours, six hours, seven hours, thirteen hours passed, and all this while my wife was kneeling by the cot-side, and when people remonstrated and wished her to go away she said: 'No, he has to be saved. God will bring him back if he is dead. He is not dead. He cannot die until he is saved...


Testimonies: Raised from the Dead

Moslem prayed for a Dead Girl and she was brought back to life

Young girl raised from the dead in Algeria

A Monk in Burma raised from the Dead by the power of Jesus

A Buddhist Temple Destroyed in Cambodia

Raised from the dead and Holy Spirit outpouring

Raised from the dead in China

Raised from the Dead in Welega, Ethiopia

Five Raised from Dead in Punjab

Woman raised from the dead in Rumania

Man raised from the dead in South africa (had Hisown Death Certificate)

Girl raised from the dead in South Africa

Person raised from the dead in South London U.K.

Child raised from the dead in Texas

Personal Testimony of a man raised from the dead in Alabamba

Testimony of a young girl raised from the dead in Palm Beach, Florida

Homeless man raised from the dead

Railroad Engineer's testimony of being raised from the dead

A man who has seen a few people raised from the dead

Vision leads to a young man being raised form the dead

Acts 26:8 - Why is it considered incredible among you people if God does raise the dead.

Finland Boy Raised from the dead. "This is one event, which will never be forgotten by the members of the party, and others standing present at the time. God fullfilled a prophecy he had given to Brother Branham about two years previous. He had told his church and many others, of a vision that the Lord had given him of a little boy being raised from the dead. He even described the clothes..."


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