Thursday, March 17, 2005

Today I am seeking GOD to intervene for two families.

A friend of the family has troubles. Big ones. GOD alone can help him troubles.

His brother, a deaf-mute, has been accused of a serious crime: a horrendous murder of a young teenage girl.The girl lived in the same neighborhood as their family...and now his family has been told they must move.

As if that wasn't enough, his young infant daughter is in the hospital.

Another friend is trying to find GOD.

I am praying for GOD's help in both these situations.

Also, my husband was injured at work yesturday. As soon as he came home, I annointed him with oil and prayed for him in JESUS name,with my children. Thank YOU, LORD for healing him. Later in the night he was in pain, so I rebuked the pain because JESUS said, HE has given us power over all the power of the enemy and NOTHING shall by any means hurt us. Also thanking JESUS again for taking the stripes that healed us.

"for HE was wounded for our transgressions, HE was bruised for our iniquities, the chastizement of our peace was upon HIM, and by HIS stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53.


I'm also praying for our church.

More of GOD's presence...more reaching out to the community and the lost...more healing power-our sheep need it! GOD help!

In JESUS name, I pray for everyone who reads these words. May GOD bless you! Whatever you are going through, HE cares. And HE can help you.

There is only ONE way to get to GOD...and that is through JESUS. Go to JESUS. Repent of your sins. Ask HIS help and forgiveness...and ask HIM to cleanse you! Give HIM your life and HE will give you HIS.

(no better offer anywhere.)

After you have given yourself to GOD, HE will take care of you.

Do you desire prayer? Someone to pray for you? A Godly ministry that knows how to ask GOD for miracles? Christ for all Nations Christian Broadcasting Network/700 Club 1(800) 759-0700 R.W. Schambach ministries

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

We are partners with Marilyn Hickey Ministries. Last year, I called for prayer formy husband's family. The prayer minister was a young girl--and wow, how she prayed! My husband hadn't spoken to his family for many years. THAT VERY NIGHT GOD worked a MIRACLE! Many of the family was gathered together at his brothers home in Mexico...his sister called from Texas with his brother's new cell phone number. For the first time in YEARS, he talked with his family.

Serving GOD is fun. It's wonderful seeing how HE loves us...Remembering how HE's been good to us in the past helps us trust HIM now.




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