Thursday, March 17, 2005

Update on GOD'S Answers to Prayers

Gospel of John (again)

Hello Friends!

A few days ago I shared that I was seeking GOD's help for a few important circumstances. 1) For two families. I have great news from the first family (forgive me for not sharing the good news earlier!) The infant daughter is fine now! Yes! Hallelujah! Praise GOD! She actually came out of the hospital that very day...or the next day after we prayed (aw, did you pray, too? Thank you!) About his brother (the deaf-mute), well, the police have arrested 3 other men as suspects, too. They say they are SURE his brother is the guilty one (but, if that is TRUE, then why are they arresting other suspects?)...they have also found a new home, actually it is a blessing they had to leave the other place. Their new home is a better house, closer to church, school, and town! Thank you so much for your prayers, and Thank YOU, FATHER GOD, for Your Loving Care for us, for hearing and answering prayers!!!

We Love YOU so much! Thank YOU.

For our church, and for my young friend who is seeking GOD,please continue praying,& for the TRUTH to come to light in the death of that poor child, and I promise to keep you posted.

As you go GOD BLESS YOU and all you set your hand to in reaching out to Bless those around you, may GOD prosper it abundantly! (and thus sewing bountifully, you will reap much goodness in return).


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