Friday, April 15, 2005


I recently found this expose online:
Just who is this little boy with the lightening bolt scar on his forehead that has captured the hearts of millions of kids from all over the world? He is the product of J. K Rowling, a student of mythology who consulted with members of Wicca in order to accurately write about witchcraft in her book series on Harry Potter.
One hundred million Harry Potter books have been sold in over 200 countries and translated into 46 languages making J.K. Rowling a billionaire in the 4 years since publishing her first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.
Harry Potter is fun and his stories are making kids read. He is a nice guy, he takes care of the bad guys, and that makes him a hero…but there is a problem.
What is the real story behind Harry Potter? Is it fantasy, or is it fact?
Teaching Our Children Witchcraft
J.K. Rowling admits that the potions, curses, and spells that she writes about are authentic and that she obtained them from books that promote the religion of witchcraft. She writes her book series as fantasies, but the facts and details that she describes about witchcraft are very real!
I am of the opinion that this is one of Satan’s greatest victories, and one of our saddest hours. Witchcraft has established a foothold in a fashion that has not happened since the time of Moses, when the Israelites entered Canaan.
Two hundred countries have embraced Harry Potter as their hero. In God’s eyes Harry Potter is described (in 2nd Corinthians 11:14) as Satan coming as an angel of light.
He has captivated over 50 million American children with the blessings of our Public education system. The schools are using the book series in their classrooms and busing our children to theatres to see the Harry Potter movie. Their reason is because Harry Potter is teaching our children to read. What they are reading doesn’t seem to matter….’Johnny’ is reading for the first time and that’s what is important to them. And in a few short years, the parents and educators of these children will wonder "what on earth possessed a large segment of them to turn to witchcraft and sorcery and Satanism."
The publisher of Harry Potter is Scholastic Inc. And guess what? They are also the leading publishers in America for our public school textbooks. Not only does Scholastic Inc. publish the book, but they also publish lesson plans embracing the philosophy of Harry Potter. Their website is filled with curriculum that teaches our children witchcraft!
The book teaches everything that God despises, including witchcraft, talking to the dead and reincarnation. Of course it is all wrapped up in clever covert fun.
My understanding is that there is a separation of State and Religion, yet in a covert way it is taught in schools and there is no doubt many of the children are practicing how to cast spells etc. This is religion pure and simple, yet Christians are forbidden to mention the word of God in school.
Children are very impressionable, and seeds are being sewn in their minds. The old adage goes, “what you see (and read) is what you are”.
Scholastic Inc. website also has material encouraging teachers to answer questions. However, if a little girl gets up and says, “my Sunday School teacher told me that Jesus said, ”no one enters into the Kingdom of God except through me,” then that is unacceptable, but it is permissible to ask questions pertaining to witchcraft because it’s fantasy, and it’s fun, and it’s Harry Potter.
About seven years ago, Wiccans in the military protested because they did not have their own chaplain. It was then that the Supreme Court ruled that Wicca is a religion. Therefore, if it is not OK to teach Christianity in school, then it should not be OK to teach witchcraft in school!
Dangerous Website Links Exposed
Let’s take it a little further; Scholastic Inc. also has links to other websites.
They have a place where you can link to other books. All a child needs to do, for instance, is this: where it says 'Search', just write in “witch” and it will bring up adult websites, promoting books such as WICCA, How to Become a Teen Witch, and many other books unsuitable for children. Type in “witches” and it brings up links to pornographic sites and the home page for The Church and School of Wicca. And you say that witchcraft is not an organized religion? Brothers and sisters, they even have their own website! (
Another teaching tool found on the Scholastic website is the Harry Potter journals. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida tells of a public school teacher who looked into the journal of one of her 5th grade girl students, who wrote, “I’m a witch! You know you are a witch if you have dark spots on your private parts”. The ten year old child said she got the information out of one of the witchcraft books that she found on one of these web sites…after searching the internet for more information on Harry Potter.
This rubbish being taught in school is unacceptable. The problem is that the majority of people in America don’t know the Bible, period! No wonder God said, “my people perish for the lack of knowledge.”
Over the past 5,000 years history shows us that God closed the doors on 20 major civilizations when they permitted three things to happen:
1. Kill their children,
2. Practice witchcraft,
3. Tolerate homosexuality.
God then permitted that civilization to be terminated.
A case in point is Canaan, which we now call Palestine. According to Deuteronomy 18:10 the Canaanites were killing babies, were into divination (fortune telling), Astrology, casting spells, drugs, witchcraft, and calling up the dead.
God hates these things and made it clear that those who practiced them will not enter into Heaven. I believe that America is in danger of God closing the door on this great country.
1. We have permitted the killing of 40 million babies since the Supreme Court of The United States of America, on January 22nd 1973, allowed us to murder our children through ABORTION (I might add here that if the reader has committed the above and repented, then I want you to know that God has forgiven you (1st John 1:9).
2. Witchcraft is rampant in The United States of America.
3. Homosexuality is tolerated and even taught in schools as an alternative lifestyle.
We are truly, Brothers and Sisters, in one of our saddest hours! I will be praying daily for the Truth…and that the educators of our children in this great country will come to know it.
In His Loving Name,

Read Ben's other topical messages:
John Edward
Demon Possession
Dungeons & Dragons™ Contact InformationWant more information? Have a personal experience that you want to share? Need advice about the occult or help with someone you know who is "into" the occult? Ben will personally answer your e-mail (or snail mail)
Postal address:ESP Ministries, IncP.O. Box 11029, St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

I recently found this expose online:
Just who is this little boy with the lightening bolt scar on his forehead that has captured the hearts of millions of kids from all over the world? He is the product of J. K Rowling, a student of mythology who consulted with members of Wicca in order to accurately write about witchcraft in her book series on Harry Potter.
One hundred million Harry Potter books have been sold in over 200 countries and translated into 46 languages making J.K. Rowling a billionaire in the 4 years since publishing her first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.
Harry Potter is fun and his stories are making kids read. He is a nice guy, he takes care of the bad guys, and that makes him a hero…but there is a problem.
What is the real story behind Harry Potter? Is it fantasy, or is it fact?
Teaching Our Children Witchcraft
J.K. Rowling admits that the potions, curses, and spells that she writes about are authentic and that she obtained them from books that promote the religion of witchcraft. She writes her book series as fantasies, but the facts and details that she describes about witchcraft are very real!
I am of the opinion that this is one of Satan’s greatest victories, and one of our saddest hours. Witchcraft has established a foothold in a fashion that has not happened since the time of Moses, when the Israelites entered Canaan.
Two hundred countries have embraced Harry Potter as their hero. In God’s eyes Harry Potter is described (in 2nd Corinthians 11:14) as Satan coming as an angel of light.
He has captivated over 50 million American children with the blessings of our Public education system. The schools are using the book series in their classrooms and busing our children to theatres to see the Harry Potter movie. Their reason is because Harry Potter is teaching our children to read. What they are reading doesn’t seem to matter….’Johnny’ is reading for the first time and that’s what is important to them. And in a few short years, the parents and educators of these children will wonder "what on earth possessed a large segment of them to turn to witchcraft and sorcery and Satanism."
The publisher of Harry Potter is Scholastic Inc. And guess what? They are also the leading publishers in America for our public school textbooks. Not only does Scholastic Inc. publish the book, but they also publish lesson plans embracing the philosophy of Harry Potter. Their website is filled with curriculum that teaches our children witchcraft!
The book teaches everything that God despises, including witchcraft, talking to the dead and reincarnation. Of course it is all wrapped up in clever covert fun.
My understanding is that there is a separation of State and Religion, yet in a covert way it is taught in schools and there is no doubt many of the children are practicing how to cast spells etc. This is religion pure and simple, yet Christians are forbidden to mention the word of God in school.
Children are very impressionable, and seeds are being sewn in their minds. The old adage goes, “what you see (and read) is what you are”.
Scholastic Inc. website also has material encouraging teachers to answer questions. However, if a little girl gets up and says, “my Sunday School teacher told me that Jesus said, ”no one enters into the Kingdom of God except through me,” then that is unacceptable, but it is permissible to ask questions pertaining to witchcraft because it’s fantasy, and it’s fun, and it’s Harry Potter.
About seven years ago, Wiccans in the military protested because they did not have their own chaplain. It was then that the Supreme Court ruled that Wicca is a religion. Therefore, if it is not OK to teach Christianity in school, then it should not be OK to teach witchcraft in school!
Dangerous Website Links Exposed
Let’s take it a little further; Scholastic Inc. also has links to other websites.
They have a place where you can link to other books. All a child needs to do, for instance, is this: where it says 'Search', just write in “witch” and it will bring up adult websites, promoting books such as WICCA, How to Become a Teen Witch, and many other books unsuitable for children. Type in “witches” and it brings up links to pornographic sites and the home page for The Church and School of Wicca. And you say that witchcraft is not an organized religion? Brothers and sisters, they even have their own website! (
Another teaching tool found on the Scholastic website is the Harry Potter journals. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida tells of a public school teacher who looked into the journal of one of her 5th grade girl students, who wrote, “I’m a witch! You know you are a witch if you have dark spots on your private parts”. The ten year old child said she got the information out of one of the witchcraft books that she found on one of these web sites…after searching the internet for more information on Harry Potter.
This rubbish being taught in school is unacceptable. The problem is that the majority of people in America don’t know the Bible, period! No wonder God said, “my people perish for the lack of knowledge.”
Over the past 5,000 years history shows us that God closed the doors on 20 major civilizations when they permitted three things to happen:
1. Kill their children,
2. Practice witchcraft,
3. Tolerate homosexuality.
God then permitted that civilization to be terminated.
A case in point is Canaan, which we now call Palestine. According to Deuteronomy 18:10 the Canaanites were killing babies, were into divination (fortune telling), Astrology, casting spells, drugs, witchcraft, and calling up the dead.
God hates these things and made it clear that those who practiced them will not enter into Heaven. I believe that America is in danger of God closing the door on this great country.
1. We have permitted the killing of 40 million babies since the Supreme Court of The United States of America, on January 22nd 1973, allowed us to murder our children through ABORTION (I might add here that if the reader has committed the above and repented, then I want you to know that God has forgiven you (1st John 1:9).
2. Witchcraft is rampant in The United States of America.
3. Homosexuality is tolerated and even taught in schools as an alternative lifestyle.
We are truly, Brothers and Sisters, in one of our saddest hours! I will be praying daily for the Truth…and that the educators of our children in this great country will come to know it.
In His Loving Name,

Read Ben's other topical messages:
John Edward
Demon Possession
Dungeons & Dragons™ Contact InformationWant more information? Have a personal experience that you want to share? Need advice about the occult or help with someone you know who is "into" the occult? Ben will personally answer your e-mail (or snail mail)
Postal address:ESP Ministries, IncP.O. Box 11029, St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

I recently found this expose online:
Just who is this little boy with the lightening bolt scar on his forehead that has captured the hearts of millions of kids from all over the world? He is the product of J. K Rowling, a student of mythology who consulted with members of Wicca in order to accurately write about witchcraft in her book series on Harry Potter.
One hundred million Harry Potter books have been sold in over 200 countries and translated into 46 languages making J.K. Rowling a billionaire in the 4 years since publishing her first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.
Harry Potter is fun and his stories are making kids read. He is a nice guy, he takes care of the bad guys, and that makes him a hero…but there is a problem.
What is the real story behind Harry Potter? Is it fantasy, or is it fact?
Teaching Our Children Witchcraft
J.K. Rowling admits that the potions, curses, and spells that she writes about are authentic and that she obtained them from books that promote the religion of witchcraft. She writes her book series as fantasies, but the facts and details that she describes about witchcraft are very real!
I am of the opinion that this is one of Satan’s greatest victories, and one of our saddest hours. Witchcraft has established a foothold in a fashion that has not happened since the time of Moses, when the Israelites entered Canaan.
Two hundred countries have embraced Harry Potter as their hero. In God’s eyes Harry Potter is described (in 2nd Corinthians 11:14) as Satan coming as an angel of light.
He has captivated over 50 million American children with the blessings of our Public education system. The schools are using the book series in their classrooms and busing our children to theatres to see the Harry Potter movie. Their reason is because Harry Potter is teaching our children to read. What they are reading doesn’t seem to matter….’Johnny’ is reading for the first time and that’s what is important to them. And in a few short years, the parents and educators of these children will wonder "what on earth possessed a large segment of them to turn to witchcraft and sorcery and Satanism."
The publisher of Harry Potter is Scholastic Inc. And guess what? They are also the leading publishers in America for our public school textbooks. Not only does Scholastic Inc. publish the book, but they also publish lesson plans embracing the philosophy of Harry Potter. Their website is filled with curriculum that teaches our children witchcraft!
The book teaches everything that God despises, including witchcraft, talking to the dead and reincarnation. Of course it is all wrapped up in clever covert fun.
My understanding is that there is a separation of State and Religion, yet in a covert way it is taught in schools and there is no doubt many of the children are practicing how to cast spells etc. This is religion pure and simple, yet Christians are forbidden to mention the word of God in school.
Children are very impressionable, and seeds are being sewn in their minds. The old adage goes, “what you see (and read) is what you are”.
Scholastic Inc. website also has material encouraging teachers to answer questions. However, if a little girl gets up and says, “my Sunday School teacher told me that Jesus said, ”no one enters into the Kingdom of God except through me,” then that is unacceptable, but it is permissible to ask questions pertaining to witchcraft because it’s fantasy, and it’s fun, and it’s Harry Potter.
About seven years ago, Wiccans in the military protested because they did not have their own chaplain. It was then that the Supreme Court ruled that Wicca is a religion. Therefore, if it is not OK to teach Christianity in school, then it should not be OK to teach witchcraft in school!
Dangerous Website Links Exposed
Let’s take it a little further; Scholastic Inc. also has links to other websites.
They have a place where you can link to other books. All a child needs to do, for instance, is this: where it says 'Search', just write in “witch” and it will bring up adult websites, promoting books such as WICCA, How to Become a Teen Witch, and many other books unsuitable for children. Type in “witches” and it brings up links to pornographic sites and the home page for The Church and School of Wicca. And you say that witchcraft is not an organized religion? Brothers and sisters, they even have their own website! (
Another teaching tool found on the Scholastic website is the Harry Potter journals. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida tells of a public school teacher who looked into the journal of one of her 5th grade girl students, who wrote, “I’m a witch! You know you are a witch if you have dark spots on your private parts”. The ten year old child said she got the information out of one of the witchcraft books that she found on one of these web sites…after searching the internet for more information on Harry Potter.
This rubbish being taught in school is unacceptable. The problem is that the majority of people in America don’t know the Bible, period! No wonder God said, “my people perish for the lack of knowledge.”
Over the past 5,000 years history shows us that God closed the doors on 20 major civilizations when they permitted three things to happen:
1. Kill their children,
2. Practice witchcraft,
3. Tolerate homosexuality.
God then permitted that civilization to be terminated.
A case in point is Canaan, which we now call Palestine. According to Deuteronomy 18:10 the Canaanites were killing babies, were into divination (fortune telling), Astrology, casting spells, drugs, witchcraft, and calling up the dead.
God hates these things and made it clear that those who practiced them will not enter into Heaven. I believe that America is in danger of God closing the door on this great country.
1. We have permitted the killing of 40 million babies since the Supreme Court of The United States of America, on January 22nd 1973, allowed us to murder our children through ABORTION (I might add here that if the reader has committed the above and repented, then I want you to know that God has forgiven you (1st John 1:9).
2. Witchcraft is rampant in The United States of America.
3. Homosexuality is tolerated and even taught in schools as an alternative lifestyle.
We are truly, Brothers and Sisters, in one of our saddest hours! I will be praying daily for the Truth…and that the educators of our children in this great country will come to know it.
In His Loving Name,

Read Ben's other topical messages:
John Edward
Demon Possession
Dungeons & Dragons™ Contact InformationWant more information? Have a personal experience that you want to share? Need advice about the occult or help with someone you know who is "into" the occult? Ben will personally answer your e-mail (or snail mail)
Postal address:ESP Ministries, IncP.O. Box 11029, St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

I recently found this expose online:
Just who is this little boy with the lightening bolt scar on his forehead that has captured the hearts of millions of kids from all over the world? He is the product of J. K Rowling, a student of mythology who consulted with members of Wicca in order to accurately write about witchcraft in her book series on Harry Potter.
One hundred million Harry Potter books have been sold in over 200 countries and translated into 46 languages making J.K. Rowling a billionaire in the 4 years since publishing her first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.
Harry Potter is fun and his stories are making kids read. He is a nice guy, he takes care of the bad guys, and that makes him a hero…but there is a problem.
What is the real story behind Harry Potter? Is it fantasy, or is it fact?
Teaching Our Children Witchcraft
J.K. Rowling admits that the potions, curses, and spells that she writes about are authentic and that she obtained them from books that promote the religion of witchcraft. She writes her book series as fantasies, but the facts and details that she describes about witchcraft are very real!
I am of the opinion that this is one of Satan’s greatest victories, and one of our saddest hours. Witchcraft has established a foothold in a fashion that has not happened since the time of Moses, when the Israelites entered Canaan.
Two hundred countries have embraced Harry Potter as their hero. In God’s eyes Harry Potter is described (in 2nd Corinthians 11:14) as Satan coming as an angel of light.
He has captivated over 50 million American children with the blessings of our Public education system. The schools are using the book series in their classrooms and busing our children to theatres to see the Harry Potter movie. Their reason is because Harry Potter is teaching our children to read. What they are reading doesn’t seem to matter….’Johnny’ is reading for the first time and that’s what is important to them. And in a few short years, the parents and educators of these children will wonder "what on earth possessed a large segment of them to turn to witchcraft and sorcery and Satanism."
The publisher of Harry Potter is Scholastic Inc. And guess what? They are also the leading publishers in America for our public school textbooks. Not only does Scholastic Inc. publish the book, but they also publish lesson plans embracing the philosophy of Harry Potter. Their website is filled with curriculum that teaches our children witchcraft!
The book teaches everything that God despises, including witchcraft, talking to the dead and reincarnation. Of course it is all wrapped up in clever covert fun.
My understanding is that there is a separation of State and Religion, yet in a covert way it is taught in schools and there is no doubt many of the children are practicing how to cast spells etc. This is religion pure and simple, yet Christians are forbidden to mention the word of God in school.
Children are very impressionable, and seeds are being sewn in their minds. The old adage goes, “what you see (and read) is what you are”.
Scholastic Inc. website also has material encouraging teachers to answer questions. However, if a little girl gets up and says, “my Sunday School teacher told me that Jesus said, ”no one enters into the Kingdom of God except through me,” then that is unacceptable, but it is permissible to ask questions pertaining to witchcraft because it’s fantasy, and it’s fun, and it’s Harry Potter.
About seven years ago, Wiccans in the military protested because they did not have their own chaplain. It was then that the Supreme Court ruled that Wicca is a religion. Therefore, if it is not OK to teach Christianity in school, then it should not be OK to teach witchcraft in school!
Dangerous Website Links Exposed
Let’s take it a little further; Scholastic Inc. also has links to other websites.
They have a place where you can link to other books. All a child needs to do, for instance, is this: where it says 'Search', just write in “witch” and it will bring up adult websites, promoting books such as WICCA, How to Become a Teen Witch, and many other books unsuitable for children. Type in “witches” and it brings up links to pornographic sites and the home page for The Church and School of Wicca. And you say that witchcraft is not an organized religion? Brothers and sisters, they even have their own website! (
Another teaching tool found on the Scholastic website is the Harry Potter journals. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida tells of a public school teacher who looked into the journal of one of her 5th grade girl students, who wrote, “I’m a witch! You know you are a witch if you have dark spots on your private parts”. The ten year old child said she got the information out of one of the witchcraft books that she found on one of these web sites…after searching the internet for more information on Harry Potter.
This rubbish being taught in school is unacceptable. The problem is that the majority of people in America don’t know the Bible, period! No wonder God said, “my people perish for the lack of knowledge.”
Over the past 5,000 years history shows us that God closed the doors on 20 major civilizations when they permitted three things to happen:
1. Kill their children,
2. Practice witchcraft,
3. Tolerate homosexuality.
God then permitted that civilization to be terminated.
A case in point is Canaan, which we now call Palestine. According to Deuteronomy 18:10 the Canaanites were killing babies, were into divination (fortune telling), Astrology, casting spells, drugs, witchcraft, and calling up the dead.
God hates these things and made it clear that those who practiced them will not enter into Heaven. I believe that America is in danger of God closing the door on this great country.
1. We have permitted the killing of 40 million babies since the Supreme Court of The United States of America, on January 22nd 1973, allowed us to murder our children through ABORTION (I might add here that if the reader has committed the above and repented, then I want you to know that God has forgiven you (1st John 1:9).
2. Witchcraft is rampant in The United States of America.
3. Homosexuality is tolerated and even taught in schools as an alternative lifestyle.
We are truly, Brothers and Sisters, in one of our saddest hours! I will be praying daily for the Truth…and that the educators of our children in this great country will come to know it.
In His Loving Name,

Read Ben's other topical messages:
John Edward
Demon Possession
Dungeons & Dragons™

Contact InformationWant more information? Have a personal experience that you want to share? Need advice about the occult or help with someone you know who is "into" the occult? Ben will personally answer your e-mail (or snail mail)
Postal address:ESP Ministries, IncP.O. Box 11029, St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting


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