Monday, May 30, 2005

Dedicated to the GRADUATES of 2005

My Daughters Kami and Sabrina are among your ranks.

As the Graduates step out into life on their own, I pray GOD's blessing upon them.

As they graduate, I pray that they realize that the wisdom of man is foolishness to GOD...that they would not lean on their own understanding, no. But rather, that they would look unto YOU, LORD GOD for YOUR Knowledge, Wisdom & TRUTH...on which they can stand safely firm.

That only GOD is Worthy to guide one's life and footsteps.

Only GOD Knows what is in store for us all the days of our lives. Only HE is Powerful enough to MAKE things happen step by step as they need to happen, that HIS Will come to pass.

Only GOD is able to bring you safely through this life and to HIS Judgement seat after this life is over.

My Prayer, then, for all the Beloved Graduates of 2005,

is that you would begin your journey bowing at GOD's Throne of Love and Grace, yourselves completely, unreservedly to GOD Who loves you more that you can ever imagine,

and asking HIM to take your life, and make it a Pleasing and Acceptable to HIMSELF.

That at the end of your life in this earth, HE will welcome you to a New and Beautiful Heavenly home, where you will never know sorrow nor pain nor tears anymore forever.

Dearest Father GOD,

YOU see the Prayer for the Students and Graduates written herein. Humbly, HOLY FATHER, I ask you to bless them even so.

May they be YOURS O GOD, Forever.

In JESUS Name,

I pray



Graduation (Gospel for Asia's Graduation video)


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