Saturday, May 28, 2005
A Ministry of Voice of the Martyrs

Than Van Truong

Location: Vietnam
Arrested: June 2004
Days Imprisoned: 360

Vietnamese evangelist Than Van Truong was born in 1949. He served in the North Vietnamese Army for 17 years and retired with a meager disability pension. He married Kim in 1977. They could not earn enough money to support their family, even though they worked hard. In 1994 they decided to move to South Vietnam. However, life did not improve. In June 1995 Truong came to the Lord and was baptized. He read the Bible with great thirst. Soon Kim also accepted the Lord.

Than Van Truong’s voice cannot be silenced. As a result of his outspoken witness for Christ, Truong was arrested and jailed in May of 2003. Than Van Truong continued his mission work in prison and brought many to Christ. During his jail term 17 converts accepted Christ and he was able to teach them some basic gospel doctrine. After 239 days in jail he was released January 20, 2004 in poor health. He was under house arrest and had to report to the Dong Nai provincial police office every two weeks. Still he did not take a rest and continued his ministry visiting from family to family, sharing the gospel and preaching in local house churches.

Because his evangelistic zeal could not be quenched, Truong was arrested on June 3, 2004 as he was on his way to share the gospel. He was sent back to jail where again jail became his mission field and he saw seven more converts come to Christ. Vexed by Truong’s zeal, the authorities committed him to an "asylum for the insane" where he receives injections of dubious drugs but has still managed to see further converts for Christ.


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