Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Do You Take the Bible Literally?

What About All Those Death Sentences for Just About Everything??

I DO take the BIBLE Literally-any other way would be Insulting GOD's intelligence, as if HE didn't know how to say what HE meant.
About the death is pretty grim, isn't it?

HOWEVER a HOLY GOD demands no less than ABSOLUTE PERFECTION of the people HE is going to let share HIS space with HIM.
GOD is TOTALLY PURE and HOLY...HE LOATHES and DESPISES sin of every nature.
HE doesn't contain HIMSELF against it, either. A FIRE comes out of HIM to CONSUME sin.

What to do then? Here are HIS beloved people, who HE created out of LOVE, and there they all go - sinning all over the place! What is HE going to do? DEATH to everyone? NO. GOD in HIS great love, said, LOOK, I WILL PAY the death penalty for mankind's sins. So, JESUS (a.k.a. Immanuel-GOD with us-)comes down to earth on a mission-to die in place of sinful men. HE accomplishes HIS mission on the cross, and the 3rd day raises from the dead-Conqueror over death, hell, and the grave. NOW, thanks to HIS Supreme sacrifice, HE has the RIGHT to FORGIVE & CLEANSE all those who come to HIM in search of cleansing and forgiveness...HE also has the POWER to give them life with HIM in heaven forever.

Those who like their sins more than they wish to be cleansed from them...those who never go to JESUS for forgiveness and cleansing-will DIE in their sins---and suffer e t e r n a l l y in the lake of fire.

So, your dad saying, "It's my way, or the highway...?"
He got that from GOD, yeah.


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