Monday, September 19, 2005



♥♪ The Day God Shut The Door ♥♪

washington dc

The Satanic symbol & the Masonic layout of Washington D.C. <--click

In the street layout of Washington D.C., the fifth point is the White House, a symbol placement which represents the intention that the spirit and the mind of Lucifer will be permanently residing in the White House. The map I found isn't all that accurate as far as the streets are concerned, but it will have to do.

The White House makes up the southern most tip of the Goathead.

Lansat satellite image of the White House (below center) and surrounding northern area.

In the map above, beginning from top left to top middle:

1. Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, and Scott Circle in the middle, form the top three points of the Devil's Goathead of Mendes, one of the most important types of the Five-pointed Devil's Pentagram.

2. Washington Circle forms the extreme left-hand point of the Goathead.

3. Mt. Vernon Square forms the extreme right-hand point of the Goathead.

4. The White House forms the fifth and bottom point of the Goathead.


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thanks to* THE MIDNIGHT CRY MINISTRY (praise music)

(by Phil Enlow Southern Pines Ensemble)

and THE FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE (information) websites

yeshuaessenor at 8:25:00 PM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 2 comments: (Add your own)
    those maps are disturbing

    nice entry

    God Bless
    Comment from seawater999 - 7/2/05 2:00 PM


    I have heard &/or read from various sources that the original washington dc layout did not include a pentagram.

    And in all honesty, when I looked at them, I found it to be true.

    I do not find that extraordinary...when you think of OUR ETERNAL GOD and our everlasting enemy.
    We who are in earthly bodies die fairly quickly.
    GOD's plans (and the enemy's) may sometimes take several earth-lifetimes to come into total manifestation.

    There is a pentegram in the streets today.
    An idol is an idol. an obelisk was an idol in egypt.
    Some still use it as an idol today.

    I will not 'worship it or around it' or even have it. no.
    I denounce it -and speak destruction to it. Have no part of it.

    To do otherwise would be an afront to GOD, our Father and HOLY CREATOR.

    **Dear LORD GOD**
    all this 'mess' is IN YOUR VERY CAPABLE HANDS.
    Forgive me for the wrongs I have done to YOU and YOUR People in my zealousness to overcome evil.
    This is a very horrible thing to do. Hurt a Child of GOD.
    Please always guide me, keep me from evil, and bless me with good, and the work of my hands for GOOD only...LORD, I pray.
    In JESUS's HOLY Name.

    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 6/25/05 3:41 PM


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