Monday, September 19, 2005




our devious enemy has 'slipped in unawares' it would seem ---the authors of Vacation Bible School Materials we are using apparently have ulterior motives.

Lifeway (Baptist church curriculum provider) is promoting satanic worship in their Preteen VBS curriculum-and I'm supposed to use their materials to teach Vacation BIBLE School?!

I'm RELIEVED to say, I haven't seen anything amiss in the other classes...just the Preteen Level.

(I only deal with the Youth, Medium, and Preteen-so if it is mixed up in anything else, I have no way of knowing...pray and ask GOD to show you if you are in this VBS Program).

Vacation Bible School is fast approaching for our church.


What do you suppose the FIRST thing I am directed to do as the BIBLE teacher to these wonderful children. These abominable materials say

Print up a LARGE copy of the satanic obelisk and put it on the FOCAL wall as I teach the children to worship.

During the first class I'm to "Ask them to write their ideas (about worship) on the satanic obelisk (a.k.a.washington monument).


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obelisk: home of 'egyptian sun god: ra' (this one is a.k.a. the washington monument)

Wikipedia (online encyclopedia) says:

The obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra and during the brief religious reformation of Akhenaten was said to be a petrified ray of the aten, the sundisk. It was also thought that the god existed within the structure.

Rome is the obelisk capital ofthe world. The most prominent must be the 25.5 m obelisk at Saint Peter's Square in Rome,



EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW THAT washington dc WAS BUILT BY satanic masons.

Freemasonry and Washington DC's Street Layout<--please click

"On July 4, 1848, the cornerstone [of the Washington Monument] was laid with elaborate MASONIC ceremonies," says the US Government pamphlet. *

oh, and here's a despicable piece of information:

the united states presidents are sworn into office with their hand laid on top of a satanic masonic BIBLE!

U.S.A. - Washington's Masonic Inauguration Bible on display in Maine - 07/05/05

Washington D.C.'s Satanic Symbols<---please click

George Washington's Masonic Activities <--click


* "The Washington Monument ", a pamphlet of the US Department of the Interior,National Park Service, GPO, 1992, 1977
* Preteen Leader Guide

yeshuaessenor at 1:00:00 AM EDT (Link to this entry)
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    Cammie, many are so blinded thats how they get sucked in under this illusion just like my father did. But prayer and Gods grace does miracles. Praise God. And Im so proud of you for not using this material in sunday school, God will be glorified and you will be Blessed for standing!!!!!!

    Love you
    Comment from angelrose2u - 6/24/05 1:46 PM


    Oh, and Just so EVERYONE knows...
    NO, there is NO WAY I'm going to be doing any of that.
    the monument will be 'missing' from out trip to dc.

    I have thought about putting it up...then having my son Josiah come in and take it down and burn it!

    (That would leave an impression on the children, don't you think?)

    Burning things in the Old Testament signified destroying the evil, but also dedicating what was burned to GOD ALMIGHTY.

    Also, Josiah is apropo because it was King Josiah in the BIBLE who destroyed all the idols in his day.

    I may be a good time to teach the children to not RELY on ANYONE but GOD, HIS HOLY SPIRIT and the BIBLE!

    I mean, here we are IN CHURCH, with CHURCH
    materials....& you could not JUST TRUST it!

    Whatever happens...GOD will be Exalted and the enemy defeated.
    *wish I could think of a way to burn it!
    So as not to cause undue concern of anyone---you know!

    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 6/24/05 10:35 AM


    Dear Sweet AngelRose~
    PRAISE GOD! For your dad's recovery AND deliverance!
    Thank GOD for your prayers for him.
    GOD is so good.
    About masons-they have an outward image that they are 'good'...and supposedly only the very high-up highest level masons KNOW it is satan they worship.
    I can't imagine how ANYONE could NOT KNOW about it...seeing there is much information out there...
    then, again,
    GOD has blessed me with the HOLY SPIRIT to guide me into all truth,
    so, I can't just imagine everyone know
    what the HOLY SPIRIT has taught me.

    PRAYERS. GOD'S GRACE & our prayers.
    GOD have mercy on this wicked and adulterous generation.
    Please pour out YOUR SPIRIT on all flesh, as YOU have promised, LORD.
    Bringing ever so many (would that ALL would come) to repentance!
    In JESUS HOLY Name
    GOD Bless you, Tammy!
    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 6/23/05 10:59 PM


    p.s.s lol. by the way the masons is a powerful satanic thing!! I know this first hand. all must beware and stay away form anything that has to do with them

    Comment from angelrose2u - 6/23/05 10:49 PM


    p.s. cammie, my dad was in the masons about 15 yrs ago, he got real sick in the hospital. He alsways worte this mason ring too. Anyways, I was there daily at the hospital and prayed hard for his recovery and for his soul, I asked the Lord many times to keep him from ever wearing that ring again and for him to leave the masons. Do you know what cammie, that ring got lost in that hospital and you know my dad never bought another and he doesnt go to masons anymore. Praise God, hes so good!!!! And my dad recoverd and is doing well today, (he had a lung collapse and a heart attack, in the hospital for 2 months, on a ventalater)

    Comment from angelrose2u - 6/23/05 10:48 PM


    cammie, I would simply refuse. If you feel in your spirit and know its wrong then it is wrong to use these things. Ill pray about this for you, let me know what happens. We are accountable for all we know.

    Bless you
    Comment from angelrose2u - 6/23/05 10:43 PM


    Thank you so much Rozandee, for your suggestions.
    "Maybe you could approach the Sunday School superintendant and explain why you can't use that poster? "

    I am very upset that they would ...USE something THIS BAD.
    Who is responsible for all this? Of course the authors should be held responsible AND BANNED FROM FUTURE WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!
    (unless, of course, they REPENT of worshipping satan and trying to LEAD YOUNG CHILDREN ASTRAY!)
    JESUS said, it would be better for a person to have a milstone tied around their neck & that they be drowned in the depths of the sea rather that cause a little one to sin.
    This is NOT some light sin. (I'm not sure there is light sin.)

    It is DELIBERATE. On the authors part-OF COURSE IT IS DELIBERATE.
    I can't help but wonder about the leadership of Lifeway.
    Either THEY ARE IGNORANT or they are evil.

    Neither way is a good thing.

    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 6/23/05 8:08 PM


    Maybe you could approach the Sunday School superintendant and explain why you can't use that poster? And maybe write to Lifeway and tell them the error in their curriculum. They are probably ignorant to it. If enough people write to them, they will have to listen.
    Comment from rozandee - 6/23/05 12:40 PM


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