Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Amber Alert

Amber Alert


please look at the picture, read what her father says, then forward his message on.

Maybe if everyone passes this on, someone will see this child.
That is how the girl from Stevens Point was found by circulation
of her picture on tv. The internet circulates even overseas,
South America, and Canada etc. Thanks

Please pass this to everyone in your address book.

We have a store manager (Wal-Mart) from Longs, SC
who has a 9 year old daughter who has been missing
for 2 weeks.
Keep the picture moving on.
With luck on her side she will be found.

I am asking you all, begging you to please
forward this email on to anyone and everyone
you know, PLEASE.
My 9 year old girl, Penny Brown, is missing.
She has been missing for now two weeks.

It is still not too late. Please help us. If anyone any
where knows anything, please contact me at: <> >
I am including a picture of her.
All prayers are appreciated!!

It only takes 2 seconds
to forward this.

If it was your child, you would want all the help you could get.

------ End of Forwarded Message

The Penny Brown Amber Alert Hoax
This has been circulating long enough and without any evidence whatsoever that
it is true that we are classifying it as fiction. - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Missing Child: Penny Brown - Netlore Archive
Email 'Amber Alert' about missing child 'Penny Brown' is a hoax. - 27k - Oct 8, 2005 -
Cached - Similar pages

Help find Penny Brown-Fiction!
Help Find Nine-Year old Penny Brown-Fiction! ... My 9 year old girl, Penny Brown,
is missing. She has been missing for now two weeks. ... - 21k - Oct 8, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

To Everyone who has ever forwarded this email:

Thank you all for your good intentions.

It is a comfort to know there are caring people in this world!

Still, it is plain to see, that EVEN with good intentions we all make mistakes.

GOD the HOLY CREATOR and LORD of the Universe commands all to be pure and HOLY as HE is. HE will judge us one day, and those who fall short of HIS extremely high standards will all be condemned eternally to hell, (the place which was prepared for the most horrid vile and wicked being ever, the devil and his angels).

You may have heard: "GOD is Love, HE would never do that."

Yes, HE IS LOVE, and Yes, HE DOES do that.

Yet HE DOES NOT WISH that go to hell! .

In HIS HOLY WORD the BIBLE, GOD says: I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, What I wish is that EVERYONE would come to the knowledge of repentance and I wish that NOT ONE would perish!.

That is why HE came down to earth HIMSELF to take the punishment for everyone's sin.

JESUS, (also known as Emanuel- GOD with us) ...lived a PURE and HOLY Life NEVER sinning...then gave HIMSELF to be beaten, whipped, and So HE could offer them a way of escape. Now that the price has been paid for all wicked, evil and wrongs done, HE offers forgiveness, and CLEANSING from them all as well as A NEW LIFE, a lifethat IS PURE and HOLY and Worthy of Heaven:

GOD'soffer: Give ME your life, and I'll give you MINE.

To give GOD your life, HE is the Boss. You acknowledge that HE IS GOD, so you will LOVE HIM and OBEY HIM and worship HIM forever. GOD will become your LOVING FATHER that you never had...the one you could only dream of having because NOONE is as GOOD as GOD! GOD willtake your old life, and it will be gone. HE will give you a New LIFE, JESUS' CHRIST's Life living insideof you! HE will give you HIS HOLY SPIRIT to teach you the TRUTH and all the good things HE has given to you. GOD will LOVE and Care for you everyday forever. You will be given the power to become HIS child. You will want to do good things and you will have the power NOT to do bad things anymore.

To reject GOD's offer is to reject HIS payment for your sins and wickedness. It is to reject cleansing from your evil past deeds and YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR OWN SINS BY GOING TO HELL BURNING IN FIRE AND FLAMES FOREVER.

For those who do not BELIEVE GOD? Guess what, HE knows ALL About you, and has even written about you in HIS HOLY WORD: Rev 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Everyone who goes to hell, goes by their own choice...and OVER GOD's DEAD BODY.

JESUS saves. If you haven't given HIM your life yet...
NOW! Do it NOW!

***Dear JESUS***

Thank YOU for sacrificing YOUR Life to save me.

Forgive me for all the wrong, wicked, awful things I have ever planned, said, done.

Please take this life of mine...I give you all I am. Please ...make me YOURS.

Live in me...Give me YOUR HOLY SPIRIT to help me livethe way GOD wants me to. Give me a BIBLE, so I can learn YOUR instructions and wisdom to live right and help others to be saved, too.

Forever, LORD, be my Master, and my GOD.



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