Thursday, October 20, 2005

Are You Wondering What to Do for Halloween This Year?

Are You Wondering What to Do for Halloween This Year?
How About This: ?


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"The first time I saw one of your tracts was in my child's Halloween candy sack. It changed my life. It was a step that led to salvation..."

"We gave a tract (HAPPY HALLOWEEN) to a teen and watched him read it. We then went over and led him to the Lord." - Indiana

"The Chick tracts went like hot cakes. Many of the children were more interested in the tracts than the candy. I was astonished!" - E-mail

"Halloween was a blast this year due to your tracts. My family and I don't celebrate the holiday but I certainly passed your tracts out. The kids loved them..." - Texas

"Some kids say 'I got his one last year, can I have a different one?' So we know they read and rememeber them." - Maryland

"Your candy and tract idea has been used for the last six years at my house. Kids love Chick tracts. Some kids yelled to other kids: 'Hey, they're giving out the good stuff!'" - California

"The Chick tracts went like hot cakes. Many actually asked if they could have one."

"The first kids said, 'Books! Cool! One little guy said 'The candy goes in here but this stays in my hand!' He walked away reading." - Wisconsin

"One year, I noticed a SOMEBODY GOOFED in my bag. I'm indebted to you and that unknown Christian for leading me to Christ." - Email

"We wanted to pass out tracts for Halloween and it worked! When I told them they were comic books, everybody wanted one." - Email

More about witnessing on Halloween

It changed my life
How to do it
Suggested tracts for children

yeshuaessenor at 9:13:00 PM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 1 comments: (Add your own)
    What a great idea, Cammie! I'm going to look into it. Better than just giving candy. Give them the gift of salvation. thanks!

    Comment from lv2trnscrb - 10/4/05 9:33 PM


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