Thursday, October 06, 2005

More About Divorce and Remarriage

More About Divorce and Remarriage
A Dear Missionary Grandma in the LORD Gave Me This Scripture:


1Co 7:10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

1Co 7:11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.

A Dear Friend in JESUS (Betty) writes:

But if we were divorced in the past, we need to ask the Lord for forgiveness and move on.....

That was what I once believed, as well.

But then, I heard an anointed teaching, (I truly believe this brother had GOD's Word)...that said, we repent of sins, and we are forgiven. Although a divorce is a sin, a first marriage is not a sin.

Since a marriage is not a sin to be repented of, how can we ask forgiveness of it?....or a 'blotting-out' of it?

Let me try to find a link to that teaching (it is on the web) you can see, too, what I believe GOD is saying.


still looking, but here is one site:

Restoration of Christian Marriage

What the Bible Really Says About Marriage and Divorce

This is a temporary opportunity for downloading the mp3 file made from an edited version of the Save America Ministries radio interview with Stephen Wilcox.

download this mp3 file made from Joseph Webb's teaching tape

yeshuaessenor at 9:55:52 AM EDT (Link to this entry)
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    agreeing with betty here

    Comment from angelrose2u - 10/5/05 2:44 PM


    I'll be interested in that link if you find it, Cammie. A marriage is not a sin, but what led a person to leave a marriage could be a sin - i.e. unfaithfulness, pride, greed, lust, etc. So I believe that needs to be repented of.

    I also believe that people who are contemplating divorce should not take it lightly and should try to restore and reconcile the relationship. I believe that is what the Lord ultimately would want us to do. Unfortunately, we live in a world where people are selfish and want to put their needs first and they will have to account for their actions when judge by the Lord.

    Comment from lv2trnscrb - 10/5/05 11:04 AM


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