Saturday, October 08, 2005

The role of Grace in Remarriage situations

The role of Grace in Remarriage situations
and The Right Choices Can Be Made and Lived With!

The role of Grace in Remarriage situations <Many Christians advocate that the Church should grant remarried couples grace rather than say they must separate and stop sinning. The church frequently misapplies the term grace to mean a catch all license that the church gives a person that allows them to acknowledge something is not God's ideal, but if it is difficult or inconvenient to follow God's way in that area, to disregard it (do what is right in their own eyes). This wrong application of the term grace is used in many areas of the Christian life not just divorce and remarriage. This philosophy has been very harmful to the church. Statistics show the beliefs and practices of many Christians are basically the same as those of non-Christians. The Church does not have authority to grant grace to a person in an area of sin and grant them permission/freedom to continue to sin. Over and over the Bible states "grace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ"

Jesus called remarriage sin. Therefore as Christians we do not have authority to grant a remarried couple grace to continue to live together. To grant grace to a remarried couple is rebellion against God. In granting grace, the church sets itself up as equal with God.

God grants grace in a divorce and remarriage situation when a person repents of their sin to God and to others, asks their spouse and others involved to forgive them, and forsakes the adulterous remarriage relationship. God totally forgives them. They do not have to earn "brownie points" or do a certain amount of good deeds to receive God's forgiveness. They are freed from eternal punishment in hell and are granted eternity with Jesus in heaven. That is God's grace, not a license to continue in sin or to do what is right in one's own eyes.

Why a remarried couple needs to separate

Jesus' command to the woman caught in adultery after He forgave her was "Go and sin no more" (John 8:11). Because remarriage is the living of one or two married persons with someone other than their spouse (in God's judgment), the remarried couple needs to separate. They need to repent of their sin and they need to remove themselves from their sinful adulterous situation if they are to obey God's command to go and sin no more. To look at it from a different perspective, it would be wrong for a man to live with and care for another man’s wife while the other man is still alive. A man has no business making commitments to another man’s wife and providing for her needs. It would be a violation of her marriage covenant to her husband to live with and care for another man even though they did not have sexual intercourse.

Because in divorce and remarriage the first marriage is not dissolved, the remarried couple needs to dissolve their remarriage situation and separate.

Articles: The Bond of Marriage Established By God and Unbreakable ...

Complete Books Online (Annabaptists' Website)
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage -- index
What does the Bible say about remarriage after divorce?
Does an adulterous marriage need to be broken?
Divorce from an unscriptural relationship?
Severing adulterous relationships
How can the church help?
Building strong homes and resisting the erosion of marriages in the church

After some searching I have found Testimonies of Others who have walked this path, Here They are to bring comfort and encouragement to others.

Why I Repented Of A Marriage That God Called Adulterous! <

yeshuaessenor at 1:09:55 PM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 2 comments: Hide Recent Add your own

    Cammie, I'll keep this issue and you in my prayers. I realize this is a difficult subject since God does not approve of divorce, but also He lists fornication as a reason acceptable to divorce, so it can be a hard topic expecially in today's American society. So I'll keep you in prayer and keep studying this myself. But trust in the Lord and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your pathers straight.

    God Bless,
    Comment from hurricaneeddy - 10/10/05 2:44 AM

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    Cammie, thanks for the info; I'll have to check it out. I just don't know what to make of all of this.

    Comment from lv2trnscrb - 10/9/05 6:45 PM


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