Thursday, October 06, 2005

Thursday, October 6, 2005 A Tag

A Tag


Read Betty's Tag:

*I AM: a Christian BUT also an adulteress who has repented and asked for forgiveness...(I was divorced and remarried).*

*I WANT: GOD to bring me out of this sin.

*I HAVE: beautiful children

*I WISH: Jesus would come back NOW!

*I HATE: spiritual wickedness in high places

*I MISS: my family - noone lives nearby.

*I FEAR: hell.

*I HEAR: the hum of the computer.

*I WONDER: How GOD's going to get me out of THIS* mess, and why the church doesn't teach about 2nd marriages being ADULTERY!


*I ALWAYS: believe in, trust, rely on GOD's WORD over all opinions and what men say.

*I AM NOT: a wimpy Christian - the devil has an adversary here.

*I AM NOT ALWAYS: as kind and loving as I wish to be.

*I NEED: um, can't think of anything (though 'a spanking' comes to mind) .

*I SHOULD: clean my home.

I'm tagging everyone that reads this and wants to do it. Leave me a link if you do it :)

Thanks to you, Betty.

yeshuaessenor at 10:05:00 AM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 2 comments: (Add your own)
    I am honored that you care, and for your friendship.
    Yes, please speak with your pastor's wife.

    Thank you again.

    love you, Sis!
    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 10/6/05 10:51 AM

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    Cammie; thanks for doing this. Cammie, I just don't like the way you see yourself. May I ask my pastor's wife who I consider to be a wise woman what her answer would be to God's take on divorce and if you are an adultress? I won't mention names or circumstances. I think you are beating yourself up too much about it.

    And its true, you have beautiful children!

    Comment from lv2trnscrb - 10/6/05 10:46 AM


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ADVENTURES IN GOD: Thursday, October 6, 2005 A Tag
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