Friday, January 06, 2006



Excerpts from "The Microchip" by Carl Sanders

The message that we share; we're trumpet ministries; my name is Carl Sanders.We talk about the signs of technology. And that's what were gonna talk a little bit about tonight. And I'm gonna be sharing a little bit of my testimony... and how I got involved. And a little microchip, that is the size of a quarter of a grain of rice, that goes under the skin.... You see, I spent thirty-two years of my life as an electronics engineer working in the Bio-Tech field; working in the surveillance field. I worked for the CIA, FBI, the Customs people. I worked for GE and Honeywell... and IBM. I worked for a lot of large companies. And you'll find out in a minute just how I got involved in this. And I wonna tell you, I was not a Christian, but I really believe one-hundred percent that in what God's word has to say about what we did as a group of men, as a group of engineers, a hundred engineers from various places that were pulled together under the Phoenix project: and this was what our purpose was - was to develop a positive identification."

"Folks, we're very close to that being implemented. It's already been put in a large group of babies.... It's the Royal family (right in the paper, has been microchiped). Special Forces people have been microchiped. There are Pentagon officials that have been microchiped. There are people who want a better passport, you'll see it up on the screen, 'A better Passport - the human hand'. And you have an option on Immigration Naturalization Form I833 to have the microchip put in the hand."

"What does the Bible say? 'he causeth all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead'. Some bibles, if you have one of those, will say 'on' the right hand or 'on' the forehead. If you have one of those bibles you mark through that and put 'in'. And then you through the bible away, praise God, because you've got one of the new versions - perversions I call them. You've got one of the new versions. The old King James, praise God, please, please folks. So, bibles are being altered and changed, and things are being left out and moved out and changed, praise God, stay withit. Stay with it. Stay with it."

"Signs of technology. The technology that is going to put us into spiritual chaos as well as physical chaos.... Like a frog in a pan of water, the water is heating up around us, and that frog will not jump out of the water because he's heating up with it: you are being conditioned by that Babylonian idiot box in your living room. You're being conditioned by what comes over that thing. There is only one good thing on a television: it's called the off knob, and it's in the lower right hand corner, praise God! And I preach this all over the country. If you'll spend as much time in God's word as you do in front of that Babylonian idiot box, you'll turn the world up-side-down for Jesus, praise God!"
Anything that takes you away from the word of God and puts your dependance on anything but God you need to watch out for.... 'Decon' rat poison is 99% pure grain, it's only 1% poison. So watch out for what you're getting a hold of."

"We speak on the signs of the 'New World Order', the one world government.... I think it's amazing that somehow people think that God's up there ringing his hands wondering what the antichrist is going to do and what's going to happen. You see, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. HE doesn't change: HE's in control.... In Revelation chapter seventeen verse twelve, 'And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast'. Now here are ten kings who have not been kings before, this is not the ten nations of the revised Roman empire. These are ten kings who have not been kings before who will be kings for one hour and will give their power unto the beast.... And you say, 'Well, why?' If you look up here at verse seventeen it says, 'For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled'."

"The World Constitution and Parliament Association has laid the world out in ten regions. You hear in international news now about Bosnia is the region that they're in. The world has been divided up into ten regions - ten kingdoms. 'NAFTA' is one of those regions.... It has already been laid out, folks. Henry Kissinger running back and forth, all these people running back and forth laying out the regions of the world. Now why would they want a one world government? Why would they want a new world order? The Bible doesn't leave you void in this area, as it does not leave you void in any area. It's right here folks, verse fourteen of chapter seventeen, 'These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful'. Glory to God we win, but they're making war with the Lamb. The whole purpose in a new world order and a one world government is to shut down Christianity."

"...Christianity is going to shut itself down if the men of God do not start preaching the word of God, and preaching hell hot and heaven sweet, praise God! If they don't start doing it, it's gonna come down. It's gonna come down all around us. Pastor Wilkerson... did a tape on 'The Gospel of Accommodation'. And most preachers today, a lot of preachers, are preaching a message that feels good. They're preaching a message that people enjoy. They're preaching a message that's over at twelve o'clock... so you can get to the buffet or you can get to where ever you're going. But folks, I want to tell you something, there is a remnant... that are itching in their seats right now and that are excited about the things of God. And I know that you're here.... And it fires me up to see it... cause we're in so many places where it's not."

"In the mid 1960's ... I had been with IBM in Kingston, New York... Form there I went with General Electric in Phoenix, Arizona. They called me in, I was a young engineer and they said, 'We've got a project, a Bio-Tech project that we'd like to have you work on. We'd like to have you be the senior engineer on this project. And what were trying to do is bypass a spinal sever in a young lady with a severed spine and be able to give her the use of arms and legs back'. And General Electric feels that if they can do this, that they can, because they're so involved in the medical field that somehow then this would give them a lot of good publicity and would help them in their endeavors. And so we started in on the project. We had a young lady with a severed spine. My job was to design the device, the microchip, that would allow the picking up of the signals from the nerves above the sever and firing them into the nerve bundles below the sever and possibly be able to give her the use of arms and legs. We were a little bit successful; we got her walking on a treadmill at one point after about three years. But the project was not successful on the surface. However, in this we learned a lot about behavior modification. We learned we could change her behavior by the frequency of the microchips. And so this thing began to move along."

"One day as that part of the project began to close down, some men came from a place south of Phoenix, Arizona called Marana. These people were old Howard Hughes CIA people. And they came to us and they said, 'We are interested in identification. We would like a device that we could put in drug shipments and we could be able to scan it and tell where that drug shipment is going and who's received it, and this type of thing'. And they said, 'We would like to have you develope a little RF device that would do this'.... It was very easy to develop the little device that's used in cats and dogs and animals.... Then they came back to us and they were pouring money in, government money in. We found out they were CIA; the FBI came in and out; the customs people. Everybody that had a desire for positive identification was there. As these people came in, they were pushing us towards an identification device that could be used in human beings, and that would replace dog-tags for G.I.'s and this type of thing."

"And as they began to push, one of the things that was very interesting is, I wanna tell you..."In order for this thing to function it needed a power source... We had a couple of little power sources we could use, but NASA and Bell Labs were using lithium. Many of you saw lithium watch batteries in a period of time there; much of that came out of some of that same research. A little dot of lithium. And I said we can use this as a power source but I don't know anything about it. And so I wrote a letter going on record protesting the use of lithium, cause we didn't know what it would do in the body. You're going to see how well this lines up with Scripture in a minute. And so... lithium was forced upon me. We went ahead and designed a little charging circuit that would charge this little lithium battery."

"Now the microchip was .75 millimeters in diameter, seven millimeters long. It's the size of one quarter of a grain of rice. And it had this little dot of lithium in it. And a little strip along each side of the inside of this little glass envelope. The only thing I needed then... I needed some place in the body where the temperature changed that would allow this little battery to charge from the little bi-metalic strip. We spentover a million dollars, 1.2 million dollars to be exact, to try to determine where in the body does the temperature change the most rapidly. Where would it be that we could put this thing. When the test results came back after many months, actually almost a year, the results came back. See, this wasn't a short term thing, folks. We spent a lot of years on this. When this information came back... there were two places that were ideal. We had divided the information up amongst three teams. We came back together, and there were two places: one was just below the hair line on the forehead; the other was the back of the hand, the right hand preferred because the hand is taken in and out of the pocket a lot, you wave at people with it.... And so, it was determined that it would go in the hand; it was the only place that really seamed practical. And so, even the information on the injection tool here, the engineering drawings, is set up for the hand not the forehead."

"And so, I didn't think anything of it. The rest of the people on the team didn't think anything of it. It seamed like a natural thing, in the right hand. We were told what a thing we were doing for man-kind. No longer would babies be switched. No longer would doctors make mistakes because they couldn't identify the person, a chart got mixed up or something like this -- it's all right here, folks. There's 250,000 components in this little guy and he has all the information on you - has everything that you need - he can positively identify you."

"Like I say, I wasn't a Christian.... After the engineering was done I laid out the...equations as big as the back of that tent, laying out the design of this microchip. You see, how do you know that you were saved? you were there, praise God. How do you know you got married? you were there. How do I know this thing is real? I was there. I was a part of it. I was there. I can tell you right now that I know that my God has forgiven me. I know that the people I come before forgive me. And finally, in Redhook, New York a few months back, I finally forgave myself and I could sleep at night instead of waking up screaming in the middle of the night saying 'Why me?' 'Why did I have to do it?' "

"I wasn't a Christian. And like I said before, most Christians look like they've been baptized in pickle juice, and I didn't want any part of it.... And my daughter came to me and she said, 'Dad, can I be baptized?' And I said, 'sure, you can be, go ahead. I think you're gonna get wet; where a coat; I don't know what they're gonna do'.... My daughter came back to me and she said, 'Dad,' she said, 'Would you come to the baptism?'.... 'Man, I don't want to miss the kick-off to the San Diego game'; by the way I've given up those childish things: I haven't seen a football game in years, brother, I don't want to see one. All I want to do is serve Him, praise God.... But I went with her, and I watched those people coming up out of the water. I had a towel I put down on the seat of the Lincoln, and my daughter came out, she was grinning from ear to ear. I didn't have what those people had. I put her back in the car and I didn't speak to her all the way home. I went home, and I went into my library, and I got down on my knees at the edge of my desk, And then I said, 'God, why am I here? I don't even know how to pray to you. I don't know nothing about you'."

(end of part one....see continuation)

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