Monday, April 18, 2005

Question: How Do You Make Your 'Blog Stay Inside the Lines?'

All help greatly appreciated.


Thank you.
So Much

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Public Letter of Gratitude to

Public Letter of Gratitude to

Dear Family in Christ,

I have no words to tell of the impact your ministry has made on my life. If it hadn't been for your ministry, maybe I would have never learned of Freedom Ministries.

I have even been to Mexico in two missionary trips...I have lived in Mexico twice as well.

Once in Veracruz although I only was there a few months, still I find it incredible to have never heard of Freedom Ministries until I came across your website.

On Hearing the messages of David Hogan, something 'ignited' in my soul... a 'faith' I had had a long time ago seemend to ressurrect.

I had always known we were supposed to live this way. (IT'S WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!!!)

But, when I NEVER saw anyone do it (except a couple of 'superstars' Reinhard Bonnke, and John G. Lake) I had given up hope of ever being the person JESUS had called us to be.

But...David is different...

he LIVES the walk! and not only that...HE TEACHES OTHERS TO DO IT, TOO!!!


IT IS MY GREATEST DESIRE. The dream I had let die. (almost)

Please pray for my family.

Thank you so much again and again

Note to Readers:

If you ever looked around at the Christian world trying to find the "Christianity of the Bible"...people living THE WAY IT IS DESCRIBED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT ...the gospel being preached, people being healed of every oppression of the devil (yes, the BIBLE says CLEARLY that sickness is an oppression of the devil!),EVEN THE DEAD RAISED...

IF you ever wondered, "Why has GOD changed? HE used to speak to HIS people (Moses, Noah, Daniel, Elijah, John, Paul, Peter...)


If you will humble yourself and seek GOD's face, WITH ALL YOUR HEART~ you, too, will find HIM. With GOD there is no respect of persons. HE loves all equally~the problem is~all men do not love HIM equally.

Are you hungry for GOD?

Seek HIS face, Obey HIS WORD, and you, too, will see HIS Mighty Mighty Hand move the way it ALWAYS DOES when HE sees 'faith~even as a grain of mustard seed!'

Hear how GOD is MOVING among HIS people: Healing cancer, growing limbs for people who were born without them, or had lost them from disease, healing horrendous plagues such as the e-bola, dengue, and cholera, raising HUNDREDS of people from the dead!!!


We must DIE to self....forget what 'we want' and GO DO GOD'S WILL.


I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY (can I say Highly ANOTHER time?) recommend listening to David's messages!

(and ...following his example-- <----that right there says ALOT!)

~Have a great day!



Dearest Michelle,
In these past few days, and even weeks-MONTHS...since our discussion on Bush/Kerry...
I have come to see you had some very RELEVANT* information about Bush that I was totally non-receptive to. I could only see that Kerry was truly evil (baby-killing demonistic abortionist) and Bush was "Born-Again Christian"...
It seems, I have been decieved. Whether Bush is or is not a Christian-I'm no judge...but the records are out there of many questionable no...TRULY DISTURBING truths in Bush's conduct and past actions that I haven't seen GOOD answers for...
Please, Michelle, and please GOD, too, forgive me for so blindly standing behind this 'man'. That is not saying I should have or would have voted differently. Kerry is not the more palatable just because Bush may be in the same pod with him.
All I can say is:
The devils are all out in full force, and We CHRISTIANS should be, too! Redeeming the time for the days are evil. Going out into all the world and preaching the gospel-healing all those who are the oppressed of the devil and DESTROYING THE WORKS OF THE evil one. Did not our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF command us to OCCUPY (martial order here) until HE returns???!!!!!
Behold, HE said HE cometh quickly!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Great Email from a Great Friend...Mrs. Hug

This is cute……….hope you like it.

Subject: FW: Dog days


If a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be
pure ecstasy.

When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
Image Hosted by

Let others know when they've invaded your territory.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout..! run right back and make friends.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.

Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.



-Image Hosted by

"God Is Awesome. All The Time"

"All The Time. God Is Awesome"

Friday, April 15, 2005


I recently found this expose online:
Just who is this little boy with the lightening bolt scar on his forehead that has captured the hearts of millions of kids from all over the world? He is the product of J. K Rowling, a student of mythology who consulted with members of Wicca in order to accurately write about witchcraft in her book series on Harry Potter.
One hundred million Harry Potter books have been sold in over 200 countries and translated into 46 languages making J.K. Rowling a billionaire in the 4 years since publishing her first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.
Harry Potter is fun and his stories are making kids read. He is a nice guy, he takes care of the bad guys, and that makes him a hero…but there is a problem.
What is the real story behind Harry Potter? Is it fantasy, or is it fact?
Teaching Our Children Witchcraft
J.K. Rowling admits that the potions, curses, and spells that she writes about are authentic and that she obtained them from books that promote the religion of witchcraft. She writes her book series as fantasies, but the facts and details that she describes about witchcraft are very real!
I am of the opinion that this is one of Satan’s greatest victories, and one of our saddest hours. Witchcraft has established a foothold in a fashion that has not happened since the time of Moses, when the Israelites entered Canaan.
Two hundred countries have embraced Harry Potter as their hero. In God’s eyes Harry Potter is described (in 2nd Corinthians 11:14) as Satan coming as an angel of light.
He has captivated over 50 million American children with the blessings of our Public education system. The schools are using the book series in their classrooms and busing our children to theatres to see the Harry Potter movie. Their reason is because Harry Potter is teaching our children to read. What they are reading doesn’t seem to matter….’Johnny’ is reading for the first time and that’s what is important to them. And in a few short years, the parents and educators of these children will wonder "what on earth possessed a large segment of them to turn to witchcraft and sorcery and Satanism."
The publisher of Harry Potter is Scholastic Inc. And guess what? They are also the leading publishers in America for our public school textbooks. Not only does Scholastic Inc. publish the book, but they also publish lesson plans embracing the philosophy of Harry Potter. Their website is filled with curriculum that teaches our children witchcraft!
The book teaches everything that God despises, including witchcraft, talking to the dead and reincarnation. Of course it is all wrapped up in clever covert fun.
My understanding is that there is a separation of State and Religion, yet in a covert way it is taught in schools and there is no doubt many of the children are practicing how to cast spells etc. This is religion pure and simple, yet Christians are forbidden to mention the word of God in school.
Children are very impressionable, and seeds are being sewn in their minds. The old adage goes, “what you see (and read) is what you are”.
Scholastic Inc. website also has material encouraging teachers to answer questions. However, if a little girl gets up and says, “my Sunday School teacher told me that Jesus said, ”no one enters into the Kingdom of God except through me,” then that is unacceptable, but it is permissible to ask questions pertaining to witchcraft because it’s fantasy, and it’s fun, and it’s Harry Potter.
About seven years ago, Wiccans in the military protested because they did not have their own chaplain. It was then that the Supreme Court ruled that Wicca is a religion. Therefore, if it is not OK to teach Christianity in school, then it should not be OK to teach witchcraft in school!
Dangerous Website Links Exposed
Let’s take it a little further; Scholastic Inc. also has links to other websites.
They have a place where you can link to other books. All a child needs to do, for instance, is this: where it says 'Search', just write in “witch” and it will bring up adult websites, promoting books such as WICCA, How to Become a Teen Witch, and many other books unsuitable for children. Type in “witches” and it brings up links to pornographic sites and the home page for The Church and School of Wicca. And you say that witchcraft is not an organized religion? Brothers and sisters, they even have their own website! (
Another teaching tool found on the Scholastic website is the Harry Potter journals. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida tells of a public school teacher who looked into the journal of one of her 5th grade girl students, who wrote, “I’m a witch! You know you are a witch if you have dark spots on your private parts”. The ten year old child said she got the information out of one of the witchcraft books that she found on one of these web sites…after searching the internet for more information on Harry Potter.
This rubbish being taught in school is unacceptable. The problem is that the majority of people in America don’t know the Bible, period! No wonder God said, “my people perish for the lack of knowledge.”
Over the past 5,000 years history shows us that God closed the doors on 20 major civilizations when they permitted three things to happen:
1. Kill their children,
2. Practice witchcraft,
3. Tolerate homosexuality.
God then permitted that civilization to be terminated.
A case in point is Canaan, which we now call Palestine. According to Deuteronomy 18:10 the Canaanites were killing babies, were into divination (fortune telling), Astrology, casting spells, drugs, witchcraft, and calling up the dead.
God hates these things and made it clear that those who practiced them will not enter into Heaven. I believe that America is in danger of God closing the door on this great country.
1. We have permitted the killing of 40 million babies since the Supreme Court of The United States of America, on January 22nd 1973, allowed us to murder our children through ABORTION (I might add here that if the reader has committed the above and repented, then I want you to know that God has forgiven you (1st John 1:9).
2. Witchcraft is rampant in The United States of America.
3. Homosexuality is tolerated and even taught in schools as an alternative lifestyle.
We are truly, Brothers and Sisters, in one of our saddest hours! I will be praying daily for the Truth…and that the educators of our children in this great country will come to know it.
In His Loving Name,

Read Ben's other topical messages:
John Edward
Demon Possession
Dungeons & Dragons™ Contact InformationWant more information? Have a personal experience that you want to share? Need advice about the occult or help with someone you know who is "into" the occult? Ben will personally answer your e-mail (or snail mail)
Postal address:ESP Ministries, IncP.O. Box 11029, St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

I recently found this expose online:
Just who is this little boy with the lightening bolt scar on his forehead that has captured the hearts of millions of kids from all over the world? He is the product of J. K Rowling, a student of mythology who consulted with members of Wicca in order to accurately write about witchcraft in her book series on Harry Potter.
One hundred million Harry Potter books have been sold in over 200 countries and translated into 46 languages making J.K. Rowling a billionaire in the 4 years since publishing her first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.
Harry Potter is fun and his stories are making kids read. He is a nice guy, he takes care of the bad guys, and that makes him a hero…but there is a problem.
What is the real story behind Harry Potter? Is it fantasy, or is it fact?
Teaching Our Children Witchcraft
J.K. Rowling admits that the potions, curses, and spells that she writes about are authentic and that she obtained them from books that promote the religion of witchcraft. She writes her book series as fantasies, but the facts and details that she describes about witchcraft are very real!
I am of the opinion that this is one of Satan’s greatest victories, and one of our saddest hours. Witchcraft has established a foothold in a fashion that has not happened since the time of Moses, when the Israelites entered Canaan.
Two hundred countries have embraced Harry Potter as their hero. In God’s eyes Harry Potter is described (in 2nd Corinthians 11:14) as Satan coming as an angel of light.
He has captivated over 50 million American children with the blessings of our Public education system. The schools are using the book series in their classrooms and busing our children to theatres to see the Harry Potter movie. Their reason is because Harry Potter is teaching our children to read. What they are reading doesn’t seem to matter….’Johnny’ is reading for the first time and that’s what is important to them. And in a few short years, the parents and educators of these children will wonder "what on earth possessed a large segment of them to turn to witchcraft and sorcery and Satanism."
The publisher of Harry Potter is Scholastic Inc. And guess what? They are also the leading publishers in America for our public school textbooks. Not only does Scholastic Inc. publish the book, but they also publish lesson plans embracing the philosophy of Harry Potter. Their website is filled with curriculum that teaches our children witchcraft!
The book teaches everything that God despises, including witchcraft, talking to the dead and reincarnation. Of course it is all wrapped up in clever covert fun.
My understanding is that there is a separation of State and Religion, yet in a covert way it is taught in schools and there is no doubt many of the children are practicing how to cast spells etc. This is religion pure and simple, yet Christians are forbidden to mention the word of God in school.
Children are very impressionable, and seeds are being sewn in their minds. The old adage goes, “what you see (and read) is what you are”.
Scholastic Inc. website also has material encouraging teachers to answer questions. However, if a little girl gets up and says, “my Sunday School teacher told me that Jesus said, ”no one enters into the Kingdom of God except through me,” then that is unacceptable, but it is permissible to ask questions pertaining to witchcraft because it’s fantasy, and it’s fun, and it’s Harry Potter.
About seven years ago, Wiccans in the military protested because they did not have their own chaplain. It was then that the Supreme Court ruled that Wicca is a religion. Therefore, if it is not OK to teach Christianity in school, then it should not be OK to teach witchcraft in school!
Dangerous Website Links Exposed
Let’s take it a little further; Scholastic Inc. also has links to other websites.
They have a place where you can link to other books. All a child needs to do, for instance, is this: where it says 'Search', just write in “witch” and it will bring up adult websites, promoting books such as WICCA, How to Become a Teen Witch, and many other books unsuitable for children. Type in “witches” and it brings up links to pornographic sites and the home page for The Church and School of Wicca. And you say that witchcraft is not an organized religion? Brothers and sisters, they even have their own website! (
Another teaching tool found on the Scholastic website is the Harry Potter journals. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida tells of a public school teacher who looked into the journal of one of her 5th grade girl students, who wrote, “I’m a witch! You know you are a witch if you have dark spots on your private parts”. The ten year old child said she got the information out of one of the witchcraft books that she found on one of these web sites…after searching the internet for more information on Harry Potter.
This rubbish being taught in school is unacceptable. The problem is that the majority of people in America don’t know the Bible, period! No wonder God said, “my people perish for the lack of knowledge.”
Over the past 5,000 years history shows us that God closed the doors on 20 major civilizations when they permitted three things to happen:
1. Kill their children,
2. Practice witchcraft,
3. Tolerate homosexuality.
God then permitted that civilization to be terminated.
A case in point is Canaan, which we now call Palestine. According to Deuteronomy 18:10 the Canaanites were killing babies, were into divination (fortune telling), Astrology, casting spells, drugs, witchcraft, and calling up the dead.
God hates these things and made it clear that those who practiced them will not enter into Heaven. I believe that America is in danger of God closing the door on this great country.
1. We have permitted the killing of 40 million babies since the Supreme Court of The United States of America, on January 22nd 1973, allowed us to murder our children through ABORTION (I might add here that if the reader has committed the above and repented, then I want you to know that God has forgiven you (1st John 1:9).
2. Witchcraft is rampant in The United States of America.
3. Homosexuality is tolerated and even taught in schools as an alternative lifestyle.
We are truly, Brothers and Sisters, in one of our saddest hours! I will be praying daily for the Truth…and that the educators of our children in this great country will come to know it.
In His Loving Name,

Read Ben's other topical messages:
John Edward
Demon Possession
Dungeons & Dragons™ Contact InformationWant more information? Have a personal experience that you want to share? Need advice about the occult or help with someone you know who is "into" the occult? Ben will personally answer your e-mail (or snail mail)
Postal address:ESP Ministries, IncP.O. Box 11029, St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

I recently found this expose online:
Just who is this little boy with the lightening bolt scar on his forehead that has captured the hearts of millions of kids from all over the world? He is the product of J. K Rowling, a student of mythology who consulted with members of Wicca in order to accurately write about witchcraft in her book series on Harry Potter.
One hundred million Harry Potter books have been sold in over 200 countries and translated into 46 languages making J.K. Rowling a billionaire in the 4 years since publishing her first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.
Harry Potter is fun and his stories are making kids read. He is a nice guy, he takes care of the bad guys, and that makes him a hero…but there is a problem.
What is the real story behind Harry Potter? Is it fantasy, or is it fact?
Teaching Our Children Witchcraft
J.K. Rowling admits that the potions, curses, and spells that she writes about are authentic and that she obtained them from books that promote the religion of witchcraft. She writes her book series as fantasies, but the facts and details that she describes about witchcraft are very real!
I am of the opinion that this is one of Satan’s greatest victories, and one of our saddest hours. Witchcraft has established a foothold in a fashion that has not happened since the time of Moses, when the Israelites entered Canaan.
Two hundred countries have embraced Harry Potter as their hero. In God’s eyes Harry Potter is described (in 2nd Corinthians 11:14) as Satan coming as an angel of light.
He has captivated over 50 million American children with the blessings of our Public education system. The schools are using the book series in their classrooms and busing our children to theatres to see the Harry Potter movie. Their reason is because Harry Potter is teaching our children to read. What they are reading doesn’t seem to matter….’Johnny’ is reading for the first time and that’s what is important to them. And in a few short years, the parents and educators of these children will wonder "what on earth possessed a large segment of them to turn to witchcraft and sorcery and Satanism."
The publisher of Harry Potter is Scholastic Inc. And guess what? They are also the leading publishers in America for our public school textbooks. Not only does Scholastic Inc. publish the book, but they also publish lesson plans embracing the philosophy of Harry Potter. Their website is filled with curriculum that teaches our children witchcraft!
The book teaches everything that God despises, including witchcraft, talking to the dead and reincarnation. Of course it is all wrapped up in clever covert fun.
My understanding is that there is a separation of State and Religion, yet in a covert way it is taught in schools and there is no doubt many of the children are practicing how to cast spells etc. This is religion pure and simple, yet Christians are forbidden to mention the word of God in school.
Children are very impressionable, and seeds are being sewn in their minds. The old adage goes, “what you see (and read) is what you are”.
Scholastic Inc. website also has material encouraging teachers to answer questions. However, if a little girl gets up and says, “my Sunday School teacher told me that Jesus said, ”no one enters into the Kingdom of God except through me,” then that is unacceptable, but it is permissible to ask questions pertaining to witchcraft because it’s fantasy, and it’s fun, and it’s Harry Potter.
About seven years ago, Wiccans in the military protested because they did not have their own chaplain. It was then that the Supreme Court ruled that Wicca is a religion. Therefore, if it is not OK to teach Christianity in school, then it should not be OK to teach witchcraft in school!
Dangerous Website Links Exposed
Let’s take it a little further; Scholastic Inc. also has links to other websites.
They have a place where you can link to other books. All a child needs to do, for instance, is this: where it says 'Search', just write in “witch” and it will bring up adult websites, promoting books such as WICCA, How to Become a Teen Witch, and many other books unsuitable for children. Type in “witches” and it brings up links to pornographic sites and the home page for The Church and School of Wicca. And you say that witchcraft is not an organized religion? Brothers and sisters, they even have their own website! (
Another teaching tool found on the Scholastic website is the Harry Potter journals. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida tells of a public school teacher who looked into the journal of one of her 5th grade girl students, who wrote, “I’m a witch! You know you are a witch if you have dark spots on your private parts”. The ten year old child said she got the information out of one of the witchcraft books that she found on one of these web sites…after searching the internet for more information on Harry Potter.
This rubbish being taught in school is unacceptable. The problem is that the majority of people in America don’t know the Bible, period! No wonder God said, “my people perish for the lack of knowledge.”
Over the past 5,000 years history shows us that God closed the doors on 20 major civilizations when they permitted three things to happen:
1. Kill their children,
2. Practice witchcraft,
3. Tolerate homosexuality.
God then permitted that civilization to be terminated.
A case in point is Canaan, which we now call Palestine. According to Deuteronomy 18:10 the Canaanites were killing babies, were into divination (fortune telling), Astrology, casting spells, drugs, witchcraft, and calling up the dead.
God hates these things and made it clear that those who practiced them will not enter into Heaven. I believe that America is in danger of God closing the door on this great country.
1. We have permitted the killing of 40 million babies since the Supreme Court of The United States of America, on January 22nd 1973, allowed us to murder our children through ABORTION (I might add here that if the reader has committed the above and repented, then I want you to know that God has forgiven you (1st John 1:9).
2. Witchcraft is rampant in The United States of America.
3. Homosexuality is tolerated and even taught in schools as an alternative lifestyle.
We are truly, Brothers and Sisters, in one of our saddest hours! I will be praying daily for the Truth…and that the educators of our children in this great country will come to know it.
In His Loving Name,

Read Ben's other topical messages:
John Edward
Demon Possession
Dungeons & Dragons™ Contact InformationWant more information? Have a personal experience that you want to share? Need advice about the occult or help with someone you know who is "into" the occult? Ben will personally answer your e-mail (or snail mail)
Postal address:ESP Ministries, IncP.O. Box 11029, St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

I recently found this expose online:
Just who is this little boy with the lightening bolt scar on his forehead that has captured the hearts of millions of kids from all over the world? He is the product of J. K Rowling, a student of mythology who consulted with members of Wicca in order to accurately write about witchcraft in her book series on Harry Potter.
One hundred million Harry Potter books have been sold in over 200 countries and translated into 46 languages making J.K. Rowling a billionaire in the 4 years since publishing her first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.
Harry Potter is fun and his stories are making kids read. He is a nice guy, he takes care of the bad guys, and that makes him a hero…but there is a problem.
What is the real story behind Harry Potter? Is it fantasy, or is it fact?
Teaching Our Children Witchcraft
J.K. Rowling admits that the potions, curses, and spells that she writes about are authentic and that she obtained them from books that promote the religion of witchcraft. She writes her book series as fantasies, but the facts and details that she describes about witchcraft are very real!
I am of the opinion that this is one of Satan’s greatest victories, and one of our saddest hours. Witchcraft has established a foothold in a fashion that has not happened since the time of Moses, when the Israelites entered Canaan.
Two hundred countries have embraced Harry Potter as their hero. In God’s eyes Harry Potter is described (in 2nd Corinthians 11:14) as Satan coming as an angel of light.
He has captivated over 50 million American children with the blessings of our Public education system. The schools are using the book series in their classrooms and busing our children to theatres to see the Harry Potter movie. Their reason is because Harry Potter is teaching our children to read. What they are reading doesn’t seem to matter….’Johnny’ is reading for the first time and that’s what is important to them. And in a few short years, the parents and educators of these children will wonder "what on earth possessed a large segment of them to turn to witchcraft and sorcery and Satanism."
The publisher of Harry Potter is Scholastic Inc. And guess what? They are also the leading publishers in America for our public school textbooks. Not only does Scholastic Inc. publish the book, but they also publish lesson plans embracing the philosophy of Harry Potter. Their website is filled with curriculum that teaches our children witchcraft!
The book teaches everything that God despises, including witchcraft, talking to the dead and reincarnation. Of course it is all wrapped up in clever covert fun.
My understanding is that there is a separation of State and Religion, yet in a covert way it is taught in schools and there is no doubt many of the children are practicing how to cast spells etc. This is religion pure and simple, yet Christians are forbidden to mention the word of God in school.
Children are very impressionable, and seeds are being sewn in their minds. The old adage goes, “what you see (and read) is what you are”.
Scholastic Inc. website also has material encouraging teachers to answer questions. However, if a little girl gets up and says, “my Sunday School teacher told me that Jesus said, ”no one enters into the Kingdom of God except through me,” then that is unacceptable, but it is permissible to ask questions pertaining to witchcraft because it’s fantasy, and it’s fun, and it’s Harry Potter.
About seven years ago, Wiccans in the military protested because they did not have their own chaplain. It was then that the Supreme Court ruled that Wicca is a religion. Therefore, if it is not OK to teach Christianity in school, then it should not be OK to teach witchcraft in school!
Dangerous Website Links Exposed
Let’s take it a little further; Scholastic Inc. also has links to other websites.
They have a place where you can link to other books. All a child needs to do, for instance, is this: where it says 'Search', just write in “witch” and it will bring up adult websites, promoting books such as WICCA, How to Become a Teen Witch, and many other books unsuitable for children. Type in “witches” and it brings up links to pornographic sites and the home page for The Church and School of Wicca. And you say that witchcraft is not an organized religion? Brothers and sisters, they even have their own website! (
Another teaching tool found on the Scholastic website is the Harry Potter journals. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida tells of a public school teacher who looked into the journal of one of her 5th grade girl students, who wrote, “I’m a witch! You know you are a witch if you have dark spots on your private parts”. The ten year old child said she got the information out of one of the witchcraft books that she found on one of these web sites…after searching the internet for more information on Harry Potter.
This rubbish being taught in school is unacceptable. The problem is that the majority of people in America don’t know the Bible, period! No wonder God said, “my people perish for the lack of knowledge.”
Over the past 5,000 years history shows us that God closed the doors on 20 major civilizations when they permitted three things to happen:
1. Kill their children,
2. Practice witchcraft,
3. Tolerate homosexuality.
God then permitted that civilization to be terminated.
A case in point is Canaan, which we now call Palestine. According to Deuteronomy 18:10 the Canaanites were killing babies, were into divination (fortune telling), Astrology, casting spells, drugs, witchcraft, and calling up the dead.
God hates these things and made it clear that those who practiced them will not enter into Heaven. I believe that America is in danger of God closing the door on this great country.
1. We have permitted the killing of 40 million babies since the Supreme Court of The United States of America, on January 22nd 1973, allowed us to murder our children through ABORTION (I might add here that if the reader has committed the above and repented, then I want you to know that God has forgiven you (1st John 1:9).
2. Witchcraft is rampant in The United States of America.
3. Homosexuality is tolerated and even taught in schools as an alternative lifestyle.
We are truly, Brothers and Sisters, in one of our saddest hours! I will be praying daily for the Truth…and that the educators of our children in this great country will come to know it.
In His Loving Name,

Read Ben's other topical messages:
John Edward
Demon Possession
Dungeons & Dragons™

Contact InformationWant more information? Have a personal experience that you want to share? Need advice about the occult or help with someone you know who is "into" the occult? Ben will personally answer your e-mail (or snail mail)
Postal address:ESP Ministries, IncP.O. Box 11029, St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Could This Be The Mark Of The Beast?
The Incredible Testimony Of Carl Sanders

Written By Heath C. Goodman

Storm Warning Of What Lies Just Ahead...

Step right up and get your biochip implant! No hassles! Just a little stick on the back of your hand or forehead! Good for anything that ails you! No more need for cash, checks or credit cards, the biochip does it all! Through electronic transferal of money, one hand sweep over the grocery store or other business's scanner device linked to the Central Accounts Database and voila... funds are automatically deducted from your personal account! And crime will certainly be curbed substantially because how can thieves steal or use the biochip imbedded in your forehead or hand! No more need for bulky keys or combination locks- your microchip puts out a frequency of your own personal digital identification number. Serving as an access code it will unlock your car, your house, your office and whatever else you wish to lock up! How convenient!
Parents, no more lost kids or runaways! Or perhaps you need to track down someone in an emergency! Just call your local Database for Human Control and give the name of the child or person you need to get hold of and through cellular towers and satellite wizardry... Tada.. they have detected the coded digital identification number frequency output (acting as a locator device) and you've found your little Johnny or Suzy or whoever!

101 uses for your personal implanted microchip! So why not take the chip and join our "New World Order Society?" Because we love you... Don't be a rebel or dissident to this grand plan to bring about global, national, social and individual harmony and well being. Because we love you... Be a good little citizen in our "brave new world". Because we love you... And if you refuse to take the biochip, then you would be showing that you are unproductive and a rebel to our new society and we won't like that. Because we love you...

We know you've been influenced and brainwashed by those "extreme fundamental religious bigots" and you can't help it. So before we chop your head off, we will give you a few chances to change your mind. We will send you to a reprogramming center for some Brainwave massages and see if that might convince you that our way is the best way. Because we love you...

Now, folks, you might think this is funny, farfetched and Hollywood science fiction type stuff. But I wouldn't laugh or scorn too soon. The following information hasn't come out of some science fiction movie or magazine. It is true and happening here and now! But just keep your eyes peeled on our government, the "United Nations and it's New World Order agenda;" and on the media coverage of technology and it's ability to solve mankind's problems. Listen and watch. You will soon see for yourself.

The Digital Age

Never in the history of the world has knowledge and technology so skyrocketed to unlimited heights. Never before could man travel "to and fro" with such ease and speed, through the use of planes and other vehicles. Yet the "outdated" and so called "mythical" Bible prophesied long ago that at the very end of time this would happen. Consider the following prophecy in Daniel which describes the 20th Century right on the money- "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro (air travel?), and knowledge shall be increased (technology)." Daniel 12:4

The technological advances and computer age of recent years have certainly paved the way for the "mark of the beast" and the one world system, prophesied in Revelation. Through satellite and computers and "the New Information Highway" we are linking every man, woman, boy and girl to a national network and database. What do think President Clinton was referring to inhis State of the Union address, on January 25, 1994, when he said, ". .. we must also work with the private sector to connect every classroom, every clinic, every library, every hospital in America into a NATIONAL INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY by the year 2000."

In the book, Creating a Government that Works Better & Costs Less, by Vice President Al Gore. Vice President Gore, (p.114), calls for ". . . the rapid development of a nationwide system to deliver government benefits ELECTRONICALLY. . . develop an implementation plan for electronic benefits transfer by March 1994." According to Gore, the process is well under way (p.114), "There are test sites in Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wyoming."

The acceleration of these technologies and communications are swiftly taking us into George Orwell's "1984" "Big Brother government" scenario. Mr. Orwell was right... only he was off a few years. Incidentally, Hilary Clinton's favorite books are "1984" and "Brave New World", where the government controls all facets of society through technology.
The Implantable Biochip/Identification Transponder

There is a biochip now in the hands of the government that has the potential of becoming the "mark of the beast" where you can not "buy or sell" without it. Carl Sanders, was a top electronics engineer and inventor for the U.S. government, who worked with the FBI, CIA, IRS and other government agencies designing spy technologies and surveillance equipment. He holds several patents and has been presented with the President's and Governor's Awards for Merit and Design Excellence.

Carl Sanders sat in 17 New World Order meetings with heads of state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the CIA to discuss plans on how to bring about this One World System. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a biochip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world— a biochip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick/convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).

Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by our tax dollars, tookon this project and designed a biochip which is powered by a lithium battery rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Bro. Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one and half million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the biochip inserted. Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand is not just the most convenient place but is also the only viable place for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The biochip is approximately 7mm in length, .75 mm in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, crime record, health history and financial data can be stored on this chip.

The sending unit of the biochip puts out a digital signal and consists of bursts of 85 data bits. It also puts out a digitally created analog signal at specific intervals. Used as a transponder this signal gives out vital information and also serves as a location marker. These ID biochips are therefore...

to read the rest of the story, please click here:Carl Sanders' Testimony— Could this be the mark of the beast? (Carl Sander's Ministry Page)

Monday, April 11, 2005



Actually there is quite a list of people on their way to eternal torment:

▪all who tell lies

▪Those who worship statues (does that include statues of saints?!!!")

▪those who practice witchcraft (HELLO, HARRY POTTER wannabes!)

▪Those who commit sexual sins (not just HOMOSEXUALS)

▪those who pollute themselves



▪HATERS (Jesus says, "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer.") 1 John 3:15)

▪THE UNBELIEVING: those who do not believe*

▪THE FEARFUL:Those who are afraid*

1 Corinthians 6:8-10 (KJV)

9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusersof themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. (KJV)


9have ye not known that the unrighteous the reign of God shall not inherit? be not led astray; neither whoremongers, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites, 10nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, norrevilers, nor extortioners, the reign of God shall inherit.

Young's Literal Translation (Public Domain)

9Don't you know that evil people won't have a share in the blessings of God's kingdom? Don't fool yourselves! No one who is immoral or worships idols or is unfaithful in marriage or is a pervert or behaves like a homosexual 10will share in God's kingdom. Neither will any thief or greedy person or drunkard or anyone who curses and cheats others.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society


DEATH » AS A JUDGMENT » Sodomites (Genesis 19:12,13,24,25)

Revelation 21:8-9 (KJV) 7He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. 8But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

REVELATION 21:7&8 (Young's Literal Translation) 7he who is overcoming shall inherit all things, and I will be to him -- a God, and he shall be to me -- the son, 8and to fearful, and unstedfast, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all the liars, their part [is] in the lake that is burning with fire and brimstone, which is a second death.'

Revelation 21:7-9 (New International Version) 7Anyone who overcomes will receive all this from me. I will be his God, and he will be my child.

8"But others will have their place in the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. Those who are afraid and those who do not believe will be there. Murderers and those who pollute themselves will join them. Those who commit sexual sins and those who practice witchcraft will go there. Those who worship statues of gods and all who tell lies will be there too. It is the second death."


The BIBLE says, There is none righteous. NO NOT ONE! and For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD.

That is why GOD left heaven, came down to earth as JESUS to live the perfect life without sinning and become the pure, HOLY, spotless sacrifice to PAY THE PRICE for sin once and for all.

It's Time to REPENT and BELIEVE the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST! Jesus said,"Those who believe on ME, the works I do, shall they do also"¹," they shall recieve 100 fold return in this life with persecutions for all their sacrifices for ME and the GOSPEL, and in the Life to come, they shall have ETERNAL LIFE"². Those who believe NOT are CONDEMNED ALREADY for they have not believed in the Only Begotten Son of GOD³.

*John 3:14-16 (KJV) 14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

*Isaiah 12:2

2God, you are the one who saves us.
We will trust in you.
Then we won't be afraid.
Lord, you give us strength.
We sing about you.

Lord, you have saved us."

New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

Copyright © 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society

1)Johin 14:12

2)Matthew 19:29, Mark 10:30

3)John 3:18

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Chick Tracts

Everyone, ALMOST everyone loves

these tracts. Living in a College-Town that is also a "tourist area"

one has many opportunities to share the GOSPEL with people

who come from all over the world.

I have co-workers from Poland,

Korea, Mexico, Russia, the Phillipines, as well as the United

States. I have Chinese friends, too. I have been able to give

them all Chick tracts in their own language.

I have purchased other types of tracts before, but ...I love Chick

tracts the most...for ease of sharing...for the way people are

receptive of them...for the way the children at church ask for

more and more!

Most of all, I love Chick Tracts because it was by teaching a

Chick Tract for a Sunday Bible School lesson that one little boy

asked JESUS to be his Saviour and LORD.


Because of their effectiveness, I cannot

give them any higher reccommendation than that! That's it!

Souls brought to know Our Loving LORD and SAVIOUR

JESUS, souls saved from eternal torment.

What is the value of ONE SOUL?

JESUS said, "What profit it a man, if he gain the whole world-


That makes me say, ONE SOUL ALONE is worth MORE

than the whole world!

Take just a moment, read a

couple of tracts. Call them up or order online, the tracts will

come very quickly and you will be able to start passing them

out the very day they arrive. It is AMAZING how wonderful

and exciting it is ... being "fishers of men".

Tomorrow I will post a number

of ways Tracts can be given away. I just give them to people

from "me-to-you". You know, NOT ONE has been refused

neither has any been thrown away nor thrown down!

I told you. I LOVE them! Because I LOVE PEOPLE'S




I LOVE MY SAVIOUR who told me to, "Go ye into all the

world and preach the gospel....."

I love you, too.


My sincere prayer & desire is to see you in heaven and share

the GREAT "ADVENTURES" stories of our times down

here--Going With JESUS into the harvest fields.


See YOU there !

<--In Spanish! Great Read.


I wish to give GREAT HEARTFELT THANKS to CHICK TRACTS for their permission to link to their site!

Dear Mrs. Cammie Wiseman-Gallardo, You are more than welcome to link to any of the pages we have on our website. That's no problem. As a Sunday School teacher and a mother of a first grader I can understand what a wonderful day it must have been when the little boy prayed for Jesus to be his Savior. Isn't that fantastic!! I'm so happy you got to experience that. In Christ, Amy Customer Service Chick Publications

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Picture from Hometown

Thursday, April 07, 2005


THE HOLY BIBLE~Top link under journal is GOD's Book - that's right-

....and underneath are links to the CYBER HYMNAL....

Prayer...well, if you are CHRIST's HE's never left you...






Wednesday, April 06, 2005

"Prayer does not enable us to do a greater work for God. Prayer is a greater work for God."

~Thomas Chalmers
"God will do nothing but in answer to prayer." - John Wesley
"The greatest thing anyone can do for God and for man is to pray. You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed. Prayer is striking the winning blow ... service is gathering up the results." - S. D. Gordon
"Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees." - Corrie ten Boom
"Prayer and Pains, through faith in Jesus Christ will do anything." - John Elliot
"God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the IMPOSSIBLE." - William Booth
"I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done." - Hudson Taylor
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible."- Corrie ten Boom
"We never test the resources of God until we attempt the IMPOSSIBLE." - F. B. Meyer
"Until we reach for the IMPOSSIBLE through fervent, faith-filled prayer, we will NEVER fulfill our created purpose!" - David Smithers
" Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE with GOD." - Luke 1: 37
"What are Christians put into the world for except to do the impossible in the strength of God." -General S. C. Armstrong
"I have never known a person sweat blood; but I have known a person pray till the blood started from his nose. And I have known persons to pray till they were all wet with perspiration, in the coldest weather in winter. I have known persons pray for hours, till their strength was all exhausted with the agony of their minds. Such prayers prevailed with God." – Charles G. Finney
"It is well to get rid of the idea that faith is a matter of spiritual heroism only for a few select spirits. There are heroes of faith, but faith is not only for heroes. It is a matter of spiritual manhood. It is a matter of maturity." - P. T. Forsyth
"Revival comes from heaven when heroic souls enter the conflict determined to win or die-or if need be, to win and die! "The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force."- Charles G. Finney
"Apostolic preaching is not marked by its beautiful diction, or literary polish, or Cleverness of expression, but Operates "in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." - Arthur Wallis
Give me the love that leads the way, The faith that nothing can dismay, The hope no disappointments tire, The passion that will burn like fire, Let me not sink to be a clod: Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God. - Amy Carmichael
Could a mariner sit idle if he heard the drowning cry?Could a doctor sit in comfort and just let his patients die?Could a fireman sit idle, let men burn and give no hand?Can you sit at ease in Zion with the world around you DAMNED? - Leonard Ravenhill
"It is better to have God’s approval, than the world’s applause: there is a time shortly coming when a smile from God's face will be infinitely better than all the applause of men: how sweet will that word be, ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant.’ (Matt. 25: 21)." - Thomas Watson
These Quotations and Many More @ A Revival Resource Center
well, I must be's Time to Pray!
♥♥Our Lord's Prayer♥♥

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Monday, April 04, 2005


read GOD's WORD and You will know!


excellent BIBLE program FREE:

(free-yes, still-a donation would be a GOOD thing.)




A.C. Valdez Sr., founder of the Pentecostal Church of Australia, was present at the Azusa Street outpouring of 1906.

Read a vision Valdez had about a nuclear exchange:

Vision of the future
BY: A.C. VALDEZ 1929, I was preaching in Vancouver, British Colombia. I had gone to the 6th Avenue Church that seats 1,000 people. The old building is gone. I sat down on the platform and looked down at the congregation for the Sunday morning service. There were 18 people. I had crossed the continent from Los Angeles to get to that meeting--18 people in my first service. My first thought was, My Lord and my God, the nerve, asking me to come across the country to stand here in front of 18 people.

Now, that was my first thought. Now, I no sooner thought that when God spoke to my heart and said, "Son, I want you to comfort these people."

They needed comfort, Brother. He gave me the capacity to comfort them. I started preaching comforting words. If I had given way to the human, Brother, I would have skinned them alive and tacked their hides up on the wall. People in a condition like that don't need a skinning; they need comfort. God helped me. He poured in the oil and the wine. He helped me to comfort those people.

They began to cry all over the place, as they needed comfort. The tears began to stream down their cheeks. They had gone through a terrible trial in that city, and the name of "Pentecost" was in the newspapers of that city, and it wasn't very good. The things that they had put into the newspapers were enough to keep most anybody away. I had 18 people in the inside and thousands on the outside.

God began to work, and the Spirit began to come forth. By the following Sunday the place was well filled. The Holy Ghost began to bring them in. By the end of the third week they had to take down the partition that separated the coat room from the main auditorium to put more seats in that auditorium that seated a thousand. It packed out. They packed the place, standing up and down the winding stairs and outside of the church building and out into the street. The glory of God came down. Souls began to get saved, and the sick were healed.

We had a glorious victory over the world of flesh and the devil. The ministers were so happy. They said, "Lord, in spite of that death, you've given us victory."

Right in the middle of that victory, I stood in 6th Avenue Church one day with the power of God on me. All of a sudden the ceiling just disappeared.

Now, when I say "vision," my friends, I know that some visions are what the Bible calls "night visions," like in a dream. You will find that in the Bible. Dreams are also called "visions." Generally speaking, a vision is differentiated by what you see with your eyes open, that which you see when you are not asleep.

In this particular case I was standing on my feet, when all of a sudden the walls and the ceiling just faded right out. I began to see this vision, and the Lord showed me. I looked up and saw what answers to the description of an ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile), just as real as any picture that you would see--or the real thing if you've ever seen one of those missiles. It was just as real as you would look upon one if it were right in front of you, two or three feet away!

I saw it. It was passing over a skim of clouds, not heavy clouds, but a thin skim of clouds. I was standing on the side of this mountain, a residential district. I was looking over into a bay area. It would appear like I was in Berkeley, if you've ever been to Berkeley, and the Berkeley hills. I was looking into the bay area toward San Francisco, the San Francisco Bay region, that direction.

I saw the freeway. I don't say that it was the Oakland freeway that is there today. I don't know where it was, my friends. I do know this, that I was standing on the side of this mountain, overlooking a huge metropolis, when I saw this missile directed toward the city; and suddenly, being electronically controlled, no doubt, it plummeted right down into the city and then exploded. Then I saw the fireball, which answers to the description of what I have seen in a civil defense film release of the first hydrogen bomb explosion.

This happened in 1929! The atom was not split until 1932! Yet I saw it as clear as I see you here tonight. There was apurpose in it. I have been warning people ever since that this thing is coming!

As the day approaches, my friends, I feel more vibrant than ever before! I have got to bear testimony to what I saw with my eyes! I have got to warn God's people that they must live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit and be filled with the Spirit if they want God's protection in these last days!

I saw this thing blossom out in all of its beautiful colors. Did you ever see a picture of it? It is a beautiful sight, but it is a horrible sight. All of the colors of the rainbow you can see in that big ball as it swells out. Then the pressure that it creates following the explosion, it demolishes everything before it. It leaves a crater over 300 feet deep and over 2 miles across. It is capable of destroying a huge metropolis the size of New York City in one blast.

Even though there were no freeways in 1929, I saw freeways. I saw them run and jump in their cars to escape, but there was no escape! I saw the aftermath of this explosion. I saw all of the details.

The Spirit of the Lord picked me up. Like St. Paul, whether in the body or out of the body, I don't know! All I know is, my friends, that God took me and whisked me across that area where the bomb hit in the midst of that huge metropolis. There was nothing left. The center where it struck was molten, like molten glass. It wasn't, my friends, until I was carried way beyond the residential area that I began to see any sign of debris.

Finally, I came to what looked similar to snow or sand drifts piled up against the fences and buildings. I saw piles or iron, like broom straw, only much finer than broom straw. It was in piles and in patterns--everything completely destroyed!

Finally, way, way out, beyond what I felt was the residential area, I began to find signs of human beings, only in pieces--torsos, heads, hands, arms, and legs. They were scattered around everywhere!

The Spirit of the Lord carried me out farther. I began to find signs of life. People were running. Everybody was blind. (I didn't know in 1929 that if you are 35 miles away from the explosion and you happened to be looking in that direction, you would never see again. I didn't know that at that time.) Everybody was blind, my friends. They were running and screaming and bumping up against this and that and the other, bouncing back, children blind and screaming and crying out for their parents and parents for their children. The farther I went, the more the confusion, and the cries increased.

My friends, even tonight, while I am speaking to you, I can hear those cries! I can hear those cries, children and parents screaming out for one another! It was a terrible sight to behold! If I were to live 10,000 years, I know I could just close my eyes and hear those screams and see the terror that was written all over the faces of parents and children! A terrible sight, indeed.

Then, my friends, the Spirit of the Lord took me. Oh, I wonder how fast I was going. I could see the mountains and the hills just passing before me. I came sweeping down over a large valley. In the distance I could see, as I began to approach, a body of people that looked like tens of thousands. I don't know how many were there. It was a sea of people. Long before I got there, I could see. As I came down closer, I could discern them. They had their handkerchiefs. They were wiping their tears from their eyes.

Then for the first time I began to hear heavenly anthems. I could hear the Hallelujahs, in bass and tenor and soprano and alto, voices blending together. That mass of humanity was lifted together by the heavenly music. I came right down in the midst of them. There they were, God's people. This is what I saw, friends. They were all dressed up like they were ready for the Sunday service. Their hair was parted. Nothing was disturbed. There was no soil on their shirts. They were cared for so perfectly that everything was in order, my friends. Their faces were clean. Their clothing was clean. Everything was in order!

The only word you could use to describe them would be "meticulous" Meticulous! Glory to God! What a wonderful thing to be in the hands of God! I say that God is going to protect his people in these last days IF. . .they live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit and keep filled with the Spirit!


Many Many Thanks to Antioch Churches... for their publishing this HOLY SPIRIT prophecy online. GOD's Blessings to EVERYONE who will spread HIS messagesand prophecies. To Visit Antioch Churches on the web:

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Today Was a Fun Day!

Happy Birthday Mr. Chester!

Today was a Church-Day!
Not a regular
It was Vacation Bible School a Big Church in a neighboring city.
So, all the 'called out' ladies (we all just happened to be ladies!) in the Church van around noon-and away we went.
This years' theme (Is JESUS CHRIST and HIM crucified-surprised?!) Rambling Road Trip: Which way do I go?
They have cute songs (energetic! ones) arts, crafts, recreation, snacks...missions and BIBLE lessons.
Can't wait.
It's going to be lots of work...but Lot's of Fun, too.
Children will get to know JESUS!!!
Our chofer was a good friend, Mrs. Jo. She did a great job in the RAIN STORM we had to go through to get to the training. JESUS' protection over the trip was greatly appreciated.
On the way home Mrs. Jo said today is Mr. Chester's birthday. (Mr. Chester is Mrs. Jo's husband. He's a great man. He is a W.W.ll veteran, and wow the things he can tell you about how GOD took care of our men in that war!)
Also, on the way home, we asked JESUS to heal the ladies in the van. Two of diabeties, and one of a lump she had just found, and one who had a little problem in her leg or hip.
I will keep you posted on ALL the WONDERFUL things JESUS is doing and has done for us!
GOD bless all who read this.
JESUS is calling whosoever will to come to HIM, and HE will give you rest from your burdens, living water so that you thirst no more, and take you to the FATHER where you can be born again and given eternal life.
Just talk to HIM. HE can hear you. HE does hear and see everything, you know.
HE loves you.
me too

Friday, April 01, 2005

John G. Lake's Consecration Statement as A Christian.

Mr. Lake and His Book: ADVENTURES IN GOD Inspired This Journal

My Consecration as A Christian

I, this day, consecrate my entire life to glorify my Heavenly Father by my obedience to the principles of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. All my effort from now on will be directed in an effort to demonstrate the righteousness of God in whatsoever I may be engaged...

Principle 1

All the things earthly that I possess shall not be considered my own, but belonging to my Heavenly Father, and shall be held in trust by me to be used and directed by the wisdom of the Spirit of God, as the law of love of men as Christ loved them may dictate.

If at any time God should raise up men wiser than myself, I will gladly commit my all to their use and turn over all my possessions to them for distribution.

If at any time in my life I should be engaged in any earthly business and should employ men to aid me in conducting it, I shall reward them justly and equally, comparing their own energy expended with

My own after adding a sufficient amount to my own to cover all risk that may be involved in the operation of my business.

I shall consider my employees my equals with rights to the blessings of nature and life equal to my own.I shall not strive to elevate myself to a position of comfort above the rest of my employees and shall direct all my efforts to bring all mankind to an equal plane, where all enjoy the comforts of life and fellowship together.

Principle 2

I shall not cease to cry to God and implore Him to deliver mankind from the effects of sin so long as sin lasts, but shall cooperate with God in the redemption of mankind.

I will have seasons of prayer and fasting in behalf of mankind, weeping and bewailing their lost condition and imploring God to grant them repentance unto life as the Spirit of God may lead me.

Principle 3

I shall live my life in meekness, never defending my own personal rights, but shall leave all judgment

To God who judges righteously and rewards all according to their works. I shall not render evil for evil or railing for railing, but shall bless all and do good to enemies in return for evil. By God's grace I shall keep all hardness and harshness out of my life and actions, but shall be gentle and unassuming, not professing above what God has imparted to me, nor lifting myself above my brethren.

Principle 4

I shall consider righteous acts as more necessary to life and happiness than food and drink, and not let myself be bribed or coerced into any unrighteous action for any earthly consideration.

Principle 5

By God's grace I will always be merciful, forgiving those who have transgressed against me and endeavoring to correct the ills of humanity instead of merely punishing them for their sins.

Principle 6

I shall not harbor any impure thoughts in my mind, but shall endeavor to make my every act uplifting.

I shall regard my procreative organs sacred and holy and never use them for any purpose other than that which God created them for.

I shall regard the home as sacred and always guard my actions in the presence of the opposite sex, so as not to cause a man and his wife to break their vows to one another. I shall be chaste with the opposite sex who are married, considering them as sisters. I shall be careful not to cause them undue pain by playing on their affections.

Principle 7

I will always strive to be a peacemaker. First, by being peaceful myself and avoiding all unfruitful contentions, and treating all with justice and regarding their rights and their free agency, never trying to force any to my point of view.

If I should offend anyone knowingly, I shall immediately apologize.

I will not scatter evil reports about any person and so try to defame their character, or repeat things that I am not certain of being true.

I will strive to remove the curse of strife among brethren by acting as a peacemaker.

Principle 8

I shall not become discouraged when I am persecuted on account of the righteousness mentioned above nor murmur on account of any suffering I undergo, but shall gladly give mylife rather than depart from this high standard of life, rejoicing because I know I have a great reward in Heaven.

I shall strive to make the above principles the ideal of all the world and give my life and energy to see mankind get the power from God to practice the same.

John G. Lake...

GOD's Blessings to Brother Bennie Blount for my copy of John G. Lake's ADVENTURES IN GOD ebook.

For your free copy visit:

Adventures in Religion <---John Lake's Radio Lectures



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