Saturday, January 28, 2006

What Are We Here For? What is this life all about? Why are we alive?

Ask GOD the Creator of this world, the universe and all mankind.

HE has answered this question for any who wish to know.

HIS HOLY WORD has all the answers to all the questions and all the wisdom any man would ever need.

How do we know what is GOD's HOLY WORD?

GOD HIMSELF came down to earth to teach us.

JESUS CHRIST was Immanuel (GOD With Us). Listen to HIS teachings to know. Follow JESUS if you wish to go where HE went (back to Heaven).

Deu 30:19 I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life. (gnb)

Deu 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: (kjv)

So you see, dear ones:
We are here on earth to make a choice.
Life with GOD (being obedient to GOD and loving HIM)
Or death - away from GOD
Not death as many think of. For everyone EXISTS forever.

Life with GOD in Heaven
Death in eternal torments of hell fire

That is why we are here dear ones. That is what life is all about.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Called to Die

All Who Would Follow JESUS, are Called to Die.
Die to "me" and Live for HIM, as HE HE wishes

♥♪TAKE UP THY CROSS (Ackley) ♥♪


Mat 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Gal 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.


Christian Witnessing Video dsl:Click Here slow:Click Here

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What’s On Your Mind?

Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.” Romans 8:3-8
I am blessed by my senior Pastor in many ways but the number one reason is his availability. He is, as 99% of pastors are, a busy man yet he is never too busy to speak with a member of our church family. When coming in for my appointment, I have often been greeted with a smile and “What’s on your mind?”
The human mind is defined as “consciousness manifested in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination.” The definition encompasses a lot, doesn’t it? Do you remember a few years ago when there was a series of commercials that ended with “a mind is a terrible thing to waste?” In the 3rd through 8th verses of Romans 8, Paul compares the mindsets of sinful man and godly man. In “my” version of the New Testament verse 8 would say, “God believes that the mind of the sinner is a waste.” Let’s compare:
Carnal Mind
Christian Mind
Controlled by sinful desires
Directed by the Spirit
Is Death
Is life and peace
Hostile toward God
Seeks God’s will
Disobedient to God
Obeys God
Can not please God
Pleases God
Stressed, guilty, vengeful, covetous
Deeply joyful, forgiving, content
It is difficult for me, with my memory lapses and unfinished sentences, to comprehend that the knowledge of Einstein, the creativity of Shakespeare, the wisdom of Freud, and the imagination of Disney is futile and worthless in the sight of God, unless their minds were cleansed by the blood of Jesus. The mind of Charles Darwin, brilliant yet blasphemous; his ideas changed the educational system forever but certainly not toward God, right?
I wonder, whose knowledge, creativity, wisdom, imagination, and ideas am I contemplating during my reading, viewing, and listening time? What’s on my mind? What’s on yours?
“Lord, Cleanse my mind, fill it with Your wisdom, and show me Your ways. When the world tries to invade it, give me power to fight it off. In Jesus’ name, Amen”

"He (Jesus) shall become greater & greater and I shall become less & less" John 3:30

Friday, January 13, 2006


Emergency Phone Numbers

  • When in sorrow, call John 14
  • When men fail you, call Psalm 27
  • If you want to be fruitful, call John 15
  • When you have sinned, call Psalm 51
  • When you worry, call Matthew 6:19-34.
  • When you are in danger, call Psalm 91.
  • When God seems far away, call Psalm 139.
  • When your faith needs stirring, call Hebrews 11.
  • When you are lonely and fearful, call Psalm 23.
  • When you grow bitter and critical, call 1 Cor. 13.
  • For Paul's secret to happiness, call Col. 3:12-17.
  • For idea of Christianity, call 2 Cor. 5:15-19.
  • When you feel down and out, call Romans 8:31-39.
  • When you want peace and rest, call Matt. 11:25-30.
  • When the world seems bigger than God, call Psalm 90.
  • When you want Christian assurance, call Romans 8:1-30.
  • When you leave home for labor or travel, call Psalm 121.
  • When your prayers grow narrow or selfish, call Psalm 67.
  • For a great invention/opportunity, call Isaiah 55.
  • When you want courage for a task, call Joshua 1.
  • How to get along with fellowmen, call Romans 12.
  • When you think of investments/returns, call Mark 10.
  • If you are depressed, call Psalm 27.
  • If your pocketbook is empty, call Psalm 37.
  • If your loosing confidence in people, call 1 Cor. 13.
  • If people seem unkind, call John 15.
  • If discouraged about your work, call Psalm 126.
  • If you find the world growing small, and yourself great, call Psalm 19.

Emergency numbers may be dialed direct. No operator assistance is necessary. All lines are open to Heaven 24 hours a day! Feed your faith, and doubt will starve to death

Thursday, January 12, 2006

JESUS is the ONLY way to Heaven.

JESUS has another name.
That means GOD with us.
JESUS was GOD come down to earth on a mission.
HE came down here to be put to death for our sins-evil doings.

Now as a HOLY GOD that demands JUSTICE at all times,
HE is able (because HE also is LOVE) to offer FORGIVENESS.

Because the price has already been paid for sin...
anyone who goes to GOD to ask for forgiveness may be forgiven.
Everyone who asks for forgiveness must also REPENT...that means
STOP doing the bad things-GOD will help.

GOD takes away the old-evil life
and gives JESUS's GOOD and Perfect life in its place.

So, while Christians may still look the same on the outside,
they are 100% brand new on the inside.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Testimony of Scientist who worked on Microchip Technology

"I didn't even pray when I crashed in a B-26 in Indochina, I didn't pray. 'Oh', you say, 'We weren't in Indochina'. Well, that's what they told you. But there was a hundred and fifty of us there working with the French; and only thirty-five survived. I don't know how I came out of Indochina, but I did.... God's hand on it. I went, I started looking around that library... I didn't want to ask my daughter for her bible, cause that would give the whole thing away. And I found a little Gideon bible that I had gotten in 1946, in a little church in south Phoenix, Arizona. And I turned, and it just seam like God was saying, 'Son, in here you'll find the answers'. And I turned and I found the sinner's prayer in that little bible. And I began to do the sinner's prayer, 'Lord, I know I'm a sinner and I cannot ....' I started to ball and squall, and the snot was running -- there is no dignity in coming to Christ. And if you come to Christ without balling and squalling you've got a problem, because your sin is as black as coal. Praise God! Your sin is as black as coal. And I saw it that way.... I tell you, when I got up from there I had to go tell somebody."

"Now we went back to that pastor, and we told him, I said, now listen, 'That stream is cold; we don't want to be baptized there. I want to be baptized in one of them 'proper' baptismals'.... Did you ever notice those things? The water is just about lukewarm.... And I came out of there a lukewarm Christian. I really did.... The first thing they did was make me a trustee, cause they thought I could handle money and I was prominent in the community. And they made me a trustee in the church.... There I was, in the church. I was 'in' the church. How many of you know that the church is in you? Praise God!... Know ye not, ye are the temple. Praise God! The temple is in you.... You know it's easy to serve God without a call on your life. Did you know that? All you got to do is... just serve him on a common sense basis.... And that's really what I was doing, I was serving Him on a common sense basis."

"I did a lot of things in the church. I got a men's ministry going. I did a lot of things, folks, but I didn't know God. Samuel was in the temple... and God spoke to Samuel, and Samuel ran to Eli. You remember that? He ran to Eli and he said, 'Yes Lord?' You see, Samuel was serving God but he didn't know God. We've got a lot of people today that are serving God, they're in here, they're doing things, they're helping put up the tent, but they may not know God. And you've got to understand it's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that's going to carry you through what's coming in the next 18 months. It's down that tight, folks.... Listen, I was in seventeen 'one world' meetings where this timetable was being discussed. I was with Henry Kissinger, Bob Gates, George Schultz; I've got pictures of me with those men. I stayed in the same hotels. I had my black expensive suits and my horned rimmed glasses, and I wasn't the weight I am today, and I was with those people. I was a part of their world.... I was a part of those things that went on. I'm not proud of it, but I'm going to tell you, I was there."

"Folks, there came a time when I started looking at the Bible. They told me to stay out of the book of Revelation. And one day I found Revelation thirteen, and I found verse sixteen. And in verse sixteen, 'He causeth all both great and small, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead'. I saw that. And I saw, 'That no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark'. And I looked up the word 'mark'... the word 'mark' - 'charagma' 'charakter' and 'charax' - three words. And the word 'charagma': describes cut into; 'charax': a trench, a circumvention; 'charakter', the word that we get the word character from -- all of this lined up one-hundred percent with the microchip."

"But I still wouldn't believe it... that's on the surface, that's not real. And all of a sudden HE said 'Go to the word for six six six'. I went to the word: the word for six six six is 'chi xi stigma', 5516 in the Strong's concordance.... And it talks about six hundred threescore and six, six six six is a number. Right in the middle is a little set of parenthesis that says 4742 as a cross. I went to 4742, it was the word 'stigma', the last part of the word 'chi xi stigma'. Listen to what I'm going to tell you here because, Jesus Christ wrote the book of Revelation, John held the pen, and Christ wanted you to know something. And what He wanted you to know is, the word 'stigma' is 'stizo', i.e. to 'stick', to 'prick', 'a mark incised or punched into for recognition of ownership'. I want to tell you, that little injection tool, the tip of it is called an inciser. It's right on the engineering drawings. And I began to weep; and I said, 'My God, My God, what have we done? What have we done? What have we as a group of menbeen involved in?' "

"We normally share, through about four nights, the massage that we have, in the different areas. And so I want to try to give you some of the highlights of the technical side. What I want you to see here in this is how easily you have been conditioned to receive things in the television, in the media. If it comes over any of the media, you know that it's a lie. It's like when Clinton opens his mouth you know he's lying, OK. When the antichrist opens his mouth you know he's lying. And so what you read in the papers, what conditions you, let me give you just a couple little examples.... Just a little while back, in the news paper in New York, I have the article, it said, 'a-hundred and sixty thousand people died through mistakes by doctors in the year 1997. These mistakes were improper identification'. They took out the wrong kidneys or they operated on the wrong person -- all of these kind of things. The A.M.A. has admitted a-hundred and sixty thousand people died. Now that's a city, folks, a-hundred and sixty thousand people. But the clincher was the last two lines in the last paragraph: 'If these people had had positive identification on their persons they would not have died'.... The governor of California has just stated that by the year 2000 every young person under 21 years of age will be identified with a microchip in the web of their hand."

"I'm just giving you a few of these things off the surface, folks, there out there. Don't be like that frog in a pan of water, start looking at what's going on around you. If the church needed anything today it's discernment. Glory to God! We need to understand. Look around you. This man for thirty years has been telling you. And I'm going to tell you something, I've looked at some of the stuff he's come out with and it's coming from God. I really believe it is. If you want to take my word for it, I don't think you need my word on it. But it's coming from God, because it's lining up with what God's word says."

"I want to show you something - the first over-head I want to show you, in the upper left hand corner you will see what happened when prayer was taken out of the school: the yellow line represents prayer being taken out of the school; the red line is sexually transmitted diseases -- they went completely up off of the chart when prayer was taken out of the school. Do you understand that?... I'm just giving you a little fill-in here now on what we're talking about. In the lower left hand corner we see prayer taken out in 1963 and pre-marital sex amongst 15, 16, 17 and 18 year olds went off of the chart.... Then there's violent crime: the population went up, but violent crime just shot clear down off the end of the chart there when prayer was taken out of the schools. Now there's one thing that has come down, it's up in the upper right hand corner, it's the S.A.T. scores, the scores that our children are judged by.... There are nineteen other countries right now that you can send your child to and get a better education than they can in the United States. When prayer was in the school... we were number one in the world: our educational system was number one."

"I remember when I was a seventh grader I had a teacher and she said, 'Now everybody bow their head for prayer'. Well now I wasn't a Christian and I wasn't going to bow my head. So I just looked at the ceiling. And about that time, WACK! on the back of my head she hit me with a ruler. And I said, 'What did you do that for?' And she said, 'You bow your head'. I said, 'I'm not a Christian and I don't want to pray'. And she hit me with the edge of the ruler that time. Now that wells up, kinda knots on your head, and I'm gonna tell you the second time my head went down, and I was down here saying, 'I don't know who you are Lord, but I'm not gonna get my head hit again'. Praise God! And so there was something instilled there though, think about it. Think about it, this old fuzzy faced man later on."

"Bio-chip technology, folks, it's all around us.... They're using it in cattle, cats and dogs, emus. You can't own an emu and insure it if you don't have a microchip in it. And so, it's real.... I want to show you about conditioning, once again.... 'Peanuts' the comic strip, here they are and he says to her... 'When you die are you ever allowed to come back?' and in the next picture it says, 'Only if you had your hand stamped'.... This is out of Toronto Canada. What are they doing? They're conditioning you. See, this is what I want to point out, folks. You're being conditioned. It'll be convenient. It gets better in a little bit. Down below, 'Doomed, forced to roam the spirit world cold and alone for all eternity'. and down at the bottom it says, 'This is when you're talking to a man who forgot to get his hand stamped'. Think about it. Think about it.... We've had some school situations where they would not have any type of program; Idon't think we ought to have Christmas programs anyway.... They had a winter solstice thing. And the little kids who had their hands stamped got the cookies and the punch and all the good stuff; the ones who didn't had to sit over in another bleacher and watch the festivities. That was in a school program in Portland, Oregon."

"This is an add I just picked up out of a news paper the other day... 'Good reasons to buy a hand key'. Hand scanning - all over the place - getting you used to the right hand, using the right hand: the identification in the right hand. If you go into K-Mart you'll see some little gray pads there with a hand on it with a dot on the hand. And it's got a hand; just ask them what it's for. Tell them, 'Why would they put that hand on there? why is it on that gray pad?' And you'll get some interesting answers, 'Well, this is for security; we don't know what it is'. Well, 'Sensormatic', the people that are putting that have installed a little vertical scanner, and it will scan your hand very soon."

"People ask me if '6-6-6' is in the microchip. As God is my witness, intentionally we did not put this in there. The computer that I was working on prior to designing this was called a Data-Net 30. It had an 18 bit word, three 6 bit characters. When I began to design the logic for this thing I went ahead and designed it as an 18 bit word. I wasn't worried about parity and the other things on there. I just said, Well, I'm gonna use an 18 bit word. Little did I know, I did not know anything about what was in the Bible. I swear to God I did not know anything. All I wanted to do was get this thing done. And so I used an 18 bit word: three 6 bit characters -- 6-6-6 -- it's all through the 250,000 components of this little microchip."

"All of a sudden, folks, we're moving to a cashless society.... These are just a few things that I wanted to share with you.... But I want you to know you are being conditioned. Who's doing the counting? The 'New World Order' wants their hand in your pocket. They want you."

"We've got people sitting back thinking they're gonna be there in a golden hammock sipping pink lemonade through a straw until the rapture comes. A lot of them are gonna end up... spued out of HIS mouth and thinking that's the rapture. And they're gonna be laying there in a bunch of vegetables and garbage, and saying, 'I thought the rapture was farther than this'. HE said, 'I would that you would be hotorcold, for if you're lukewarm I'll spue you out of my mouth'. You need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ right now to get by in this world. People say, 'Do I need the Holy Ghost to get to heaven?' You need the Holy Ghost to get by down here, praise God! You need the Holy Ghost here! Praise the Lord! I can't understand why anybody would want to decide whether they wanted the Holy Ghost or not."

"The microchip is real. Please don't take it. Say, 'No, give two to the guy down the street', but don't take it. Folks, you're gonna get that opportunity. We're not going out of here in some un-biblical manner, a 'secret rapture'. The Bible is very clear, and it tells us exactly what's going to happen. So, please, you're going to get that opportunity; they're gonna come to you with it. The little booths are going to be set up at the post office. You're gonna go in, they're gonna take a digitized picture of your face, just like they do for the drivers license. And a little injection tool lifts up the skin, and an air driver pops it under the skin; and you're gonna walk out of there and you will have no credit cards anymore; you will have no worry about cash; you'll have nothing. And the Bible says that if you don't take that thing you're gonna end up with some real problems: it says, 'Who are these around the throne?' it says, 'These are those who did not take the mark... and lost their heads'. Revelation fourteen talks about your smoke ascendeth up for ever and ever if you take this thing. It's very clear, folks."

"I fought against the use of lithium. And I wondered why at the time was I fighting against it when I didn't have any basis for it. I want you to go with me to Revelation... sixteen two, 'And the first went'... now by the way I called a doctor at the Boston Medical Center and I said, 'What would happen if the little chip gets crushed?'... and he said, 'Well, you would get a sore'. I said, 'What kind of sore?' He said, 'A sore like a boil... a grievous sore'. And I didn't think too much about it at the time. Later on I was reading Revelation sixteen verse two, 'And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image'. That sore there is singular not plural. That sore there is not the sores that Job had on his body. This is a single sore that comes upon those who have received the implant. And so,folks, I just want to tell you there's too much that adds up with Scripture. If you look at the word charakter, if you look at all of those things: there's too much."

Documents which Validate Carl Sanders' Life and Testimony CLICK HERE

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Friday, January 06, 2006



Excerpts from "The Microchip" by Carl Sanders

The message that we share; we're trumpet ministries; my name is Carl Sanders.We talk about the signs of technology. And that's what were gonna talk a little bit about tonight. And I'm gonna be sharing a little bit of my testimony... and how I got involved. And a little microchip, that is the size of a quarter of a grain of rice, that goes under the skin.... You see, I spent thirty-two years of my life as an electronics engineer working in the Bio-Tech field; working in the surveillance field. I worked for the CIA, FBI, the Customs people. I worked for GE and Honeywell... and IBM. I worked for a lot of large companies. And you'll find out in a minute just how I got involved in this. And I wonna tell you, I was not a Christian, but I really believe one-hundred percent that in what God's word has to say about what we did as a group of men, as a group of engineers, a hundred engineers from various places that were pulled together under the Phoenix project: and this was what our purpose was - was to develop a positive identification."

"Folks, we're very close to that being implemented. It's already been put in a large group of babies.... It's the Royal family (right in the paper, has been microchiped). Special Forces people have been microchiped. There are Pentagon officials that have been microchiped. There are people who want a better passport, you'll see it up on the screen, 'A better Passport - the human hand'. And you have an option on Immigration Naturalization Form I833 to have the microchip put in the hand."

"What does the Bible say? 'he causeth all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead'. Some bibles, if you have one of those, will say 'on' the right hand or 'on' the forehead. If you have one of those bibles you mark through that and put 'in'. And then you through the bible away, praise God, because you've got one of the new versions - perversions I call them. You've got one of the new versions. The old King James, praise God, please, please folks. So, bibles are being altered and changed, and things are being left out and moved out and changed, praise God, stay withit. Stay with it. Stay with it."

"Signs of technology. The technology that is going to put us into spiritual chaos as well as physical chaos.... Like a frog in a pan of water, the water is heating up around us, and that frog will not jump out of the water because he's heating up with it: you are being conditioned by that Babylonian idiot box in your living room. You're being conditioned by what comes over that thing. There is only one good thing on a television: it's called the off knob, and it's in the lower right hand corner, praise God! And I preach this all over the country. If you'll spend as much time in God's word as you do in front of that Babylonian idiot box, you'll turn the world up-side-down for Jesus, praise God!"
Anything that takes you away from the word of God and puts your dependance on anything but God you need to watch out for.... 'Decon' rat poison is 99% pure grain, it's only 1% poison. So watch out for what you're getting a hold of."

"We speak on the signs of the 'New World Order', the one world government.... I think it's amazing that somehow people think that God's up there ringing his hands wondering what the antichrist is going to do and what's going to happen. You see, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. HE doesn't change: HE's in control.... In Revelation chapter seventeen verse twelve, 'And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast'. Now here are ten kings who have not been kings before, this is not the ten nations of the revised Roman empire. These are ten kings who have not been kings before who will be kings for one hour and will give their power unto the beast.... And you say, 'Well, why?' If you look up here at verse seventeen it says, 'For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled'."

"The World Constitution and Parliament Association has laid the world out in ten regions. You hear in international news now about Bosnia is the region that they're in. The world has been divided up into ten regions - ten kingdoms. 'NAFTA' is one of those regions.... It has already been laid out, folks. Henry Kissinger running back and forth, all these people running back and forth laying out the regions of the world. Now why would they want a one world government? Why would they want a new world order? The Bible doesn't leave you void in this area, as it does not leave you void in any area. It's right here folks, verse fourteen of chapter seventeen, 'These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful'. Glory to God we win, but they're making war with the Lamb. The whole purpose in a new world order and a one world government is to shut down Christianity."

"...Christianity is going to shut itself down if the men of God do not start preaching the word of God, and preaching hell hot and heaven sweet, praise God! If they don't start doing it, it's gonna come down. It's gonna come down all around us. Pastor Wilkerson... did a tape on 'The Gospel of Accommodation'. And most preachers today, a lot of preachers, are preaching a message that feels good. They're preaching a message that people enjoy. They're preaching a message that's over at twelve o'clock... so you can get to the buffet or you can get to where ever you're going. But folks, I want to tell you something, there is a remnant... that are itching in their seats right now and that are excited about the things of God. And I know that you're here.... And it fires me up to see it... cause we're in so many places where it's not."

"In the mid 1960's ... I had been with IBM in Kingston, New York... Form there I went with General Electric in Phoenix, Arizona. They called me in, I was a young engineer and they said, 'We've got a project, a Bio-Tech project that we'd like to have you work on. We'd like to have you be the senior engineer on this project. And what were trying to do is bypass a spinal sever in a young lady with a severed spine and be able to give her the use of arms and legs back'. And General Electric feels that if they can do this, that they can, because they're so involved in the medical field that somehow then this would give them a lot of good publicity and would help them in their endeavors. And so we started in on the project. We had a young lady with a severed spine. My job was to design the device, the microchip, that would allow the picking up of the signals from the nerves above the sever and firing them into the nerve bundles below the sever and possibly be able to give her the use of arms and legs. We were a little bit successful; we got her walking on a treadmill at one point after about three years. But the project was not successful on the surface. However, in this we learned a lot about behavior modification. We learned we could change her behavior by the frequency of the microchips. And so this thing began to move along."

"One day as that part of the project began to close down, some men came from a place south of Phoenix, Arizona called Marana. These people were old Howard Hughes CIA people. And they came to us and they said, 'We are interested in identification. We would like a device that we could put in drug shipments and we could be able to scan it and tell where that drug shipment is going and who's received it, and this type of thing'. And they said, 'We would like to have you develope a little RF device that would do this'.... It was very easy to develop the little device that's used in cats and dogs and animals.... Then they came back to us and they were pouring money in, government money in. We found out they were CIA; the FBI came in and out; the customs people. Everybody that had a desire for positive identification was there. As these people came in, they were pushing us towards an identification device that could be used in human beings, and that would replace dog-tags for G.I.'s and this type of thing."

"And as they began to push, one of the things that was very interesting is, I wanna tell you..."In order for this thing to function it needed a power source... We had a couple of little power sources we could use, but NASA and Bell Labs were using lithium. Many of you saw lithium watch batteries in a period of time there; much of that came out of some of that same research. A little dot of lithium. And I said we can use this as a power source but I don't know anything about it. And so I wrote a letter going on record protesting the use of lithium, cause we didn't know what it would do in the body. You're going to see how well this lines up with Scripture in a minute. And so... lithium was forced upon me. We went ahead and designed a little charging circuit that would charge this little lithium battery."

"Now the microchip was .75 millimeters in diameter, seven millimeters long. It's the size of one quarter of a grain of rice. And it had this little dot of lithium in it. And a little strip along each side of the inside of this little glass envelope. The only thing I needed then... I needed some place in the body where the temperature changed that would allow this little battery to charge from the little bi-metalic strip. We spentover a million dollars, 1.2 million dollars to be exact, to try to determine where in the body does the temperature change the most rapidly. Where would it be that we could put this thing. When the test results came back after many months, actually almost a year, the results came back. See, this wasn't a short term thing, folks. We spent a lot of years on this. When this information came back... there were two places that were ideal. We had divided the information up amongst three teams. We came back together, and there were two places: one was just below the hair line on the forehead; the other was the back of the hand, the right hand preferred because the hand is taken in and out of the pocket a lot, you wave at people with it.... And so, it was determined that it would go in the hand; it was the only place that really seamed practical. And so, even the information on the injection tool here, the engineering drawings, is set up for the hand not the forehead."

"And so, I didn't think anything of it. The rest of the people on the team didn't think anything of it. It seamed like a natural thing, in the right hand. We were told what a thing we were doing for man-kind. No longer would babies be switched. No longer would doctors make mistakes because they couldn't identify the person, a chart got mixed up or something like this -- it's all right here, folks. There's 250,000 components in this little guy and he has all the information on you - has everything that you need - he can positively identify you."

"Like I say, I wasn't a Christian.... After the engineering was done I laid out the...equations as big as the back of that tent, laying out the design of this microchip. You see, how do you know that you were saved? you were there, praise God. How do you know you got married? you were there. How do I know this thing is real? I was there. I was a part of it. I was there. I can tell you right now that I know that my God has forgiven me. I know that the people I come before forgive me. And finally, in Redhook, New York a few months back, I finally forgave myself and I could sleep at night instead of waking up screaming in the middle of the night saying 'Why me?' 'Why did I have to do it?' "

"I wasn't a Christian. And like I said before, most Christians look like they've been baptized in pickle juice, and I didn't want any part of it.... And my daughter came to me and she said, 'Dad, can I be baptized?' And I said, 'sure, you can be, go ahead. I think you're gonna get wet; where a coat; I don't know what they're gonna do'.... My daughter came back to me and she said, 'Dad,' she said, 'Would you come to the baptism?'.... 'Man, I don't want to miss the kick-off to the San Diego game'; by the way I've given up those childish things: I haven't seen a football game in years, brother, I don't want to see one. All I want to do is serve Him, praise God.... But I went with her, and I watched those people coming up out of the water. I had a towel I put down on the seat of the Lincoln, and my daughter came out, she was grinning from ear to ear. I didn't have what those people had. I put her back in the car and I didn't speak to her all the way home. I went home, and I went into my library, and I got down on my knees at the edge of my desk, And then I said, 'God, why am I here? I don't even know how to pray to you. I don't know nothing about you'."

(end of part one....see continuation)

Documents which Validate Carl Sanders' Life and Testimony CLICK HERE

Carl Sander's Ministry: TRUMPET MINISTRIES:

Thursday, January 05, 2006



Picture from Hometown

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." ~ Revelation 13:16-18

Plans are for implanting the marks in children while they are at school. (Thank GOD I homeschool!)

Plans are to implant them in newborns at the hospitals.


Remember the rich man & Lazarus, the beggar. Lazarus had nothing....starving he wished he could eat crumbs that feel from the rich man's table.

Lazarus hasn't begged for thousands of years!


NO, my friends!!! No matter what the cost, DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST.


666 - The Technology of the Mark of the Beast
666 IS COMING! The Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast could be the bio-chip implant "VeriPay" or ...

Today's Reality of 666 The Global Cashless Mark of the Beast
mark of beast
The Mark Of The Beast - Microchip Implants

The Cutting Edge Radio Program - Transcript of BIOCHIP 666/NOAHIDE ...

MARK OF THE BEAST - The Last Golden Calf: The Microchip Identity ...
The Number of the Beast

Microchip: Dispositivo de localización de humanos. 666
Microchip Implants, Mindcontrol, Cybernetics
The Mark Of The Beast 666
I wish to thank all my visitors!

I have prepared a greeting for you...

View my AOL® Instant Greetings™ message now!

you are always welcome here....come any time.

*p.s. if any one knows whose great work this picture is...please email me, so I may include the cedits. Thank you so much.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006




M U R D E R !!!

baby John

baby Matthew

poor little baby

baby, baby, poor poor little baby!

DEAR LORD JESUS! have mercy on the

poor little BABIES!!!

baby , baby, I'm so sorry! Little Baby!



baby...they burned you, they cut you up,

I'm sorry little Baby. I'm so so so sorry!

Dear Little Baby , I love you. I am so sorry.

I am so sorry you were not my little Baby.

I, with GOD's help, would've taken care of you.



They cut this little Babies head OFF!



and see this little baby, LORD!




little little, tiny little baby


baby baby baby baby baby ...

I don't have any words to say..

there aren't any.

why did they do that?







Jesus said not to fear those who could kill

your body and then could do nothing more to

hurt you. HE said, "I'll tell you WHOM you


you are dead HE is able to throw you into the

lake of fire that burns forever and ever!"

Tuesday, January 03, 2006






Monday, January 02, 2006


isn't your ETERNAL salvation WORTH BEING SURE?

♪Arise, Come Ye Forth, and Forever Break the Chain

Once Saved Always Saved (Eternal Security)
Refuted From The Scriptures
<--click here

The Apostle Paul wrote:

1 Corinthians 9:27
But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

The Apostle Paul (who The HOLY SPIRIT inspired to write the majority of the New Testament) wrote that it was NOT SO!

As He wrote:
He kept his body under subjection, lest after He had preached to others he himself was castaway.

If The Apostle Paul could have 'blown it' ...
who are we that we think we can not?

I, too, am very very thankful for all JESUS did for me...for everyone.
But we must be wise! Work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. HOW? GOD-JESUS living HIS Life through you. Following the leading of the HOLY GHOST & by HIM putting to death the deads of the flesh.

Those that live after the flesh shall die after the flesh.

There are HUNDREDS MORE HOLY SCRIPTURES to back this up.

I submit to you The LORD JESUS's own testimony of The Prodigal Son. The Father said that His son had been dead (when he was off sinning). What do you take "dead" to mean? And when JESUS judges between the quick and the dead? Which side would you prefer to be on?

JESUS's other teachings: THE SOWER (think & pray over what JESUS says about the fruit of those seeds.)

The 10 VIRGINS- 5 were excluded

The SERVANTS: wise & faithful vs lazy & slothful

just read HIS WORD...ask HIM to show you HIS TRUTH. Don't take ANYONES' words on it. GO to GOD yourself! HE has PROMISED that in the day we seek HIM with our whole heart HE Will Be Found of us!


and there is nothing as horrid as hell


Catch the Wave

yeshuaessenor at 12:17:00 PM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 2 comments: (Add your own)
    thank you, FaithAngel! GOD's blessings to you and yours as well! Thank you so much for coming by today...and for your comment.
    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 6/16/05 7:28 PM


    Yes it is and I'm most definitely sure I'm saved by the life I live. I get joy when I think about all he has done for me. Many blessings to you and yours.
    Comment from faithangl66 - 6/16/05 2:50 PM

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy News Years Day!

Great Time to Ask GOD for a "Report Card" of 2005

Dearest Family and Friends~

Each New Years Day is the perfect opportunity to prayerfully review the events of the year gone by.

***Dearest LORD JESUS***

As I am seeking to follow in YOUR Footsteps, would YOU please guide me into the Truth of my goings?

HOLY SPIRIT please review this past year (even entire life) and show me the places, times, events that I haven't responded to in the way GOD wished.

Show me, too, the successes...the times GOD was pleased with my words, life, and work.


I so thank YOU, for YOUR Goodness, Love, and Kindness in YOUR Plans for me. YOU have promised to perfect that which concerns me. The steps of a good man, YOU said, are ordered by the LORD, and he delights in HIS way.

This is so wonderful, LORD. I do delight in YOUR way. My life is full of YOUR Love and Blessings...I am very, very blessed. Thank YOU.

As YOU are giving me this 'report card', LORD, know that I am relying on YOU..... 100% depending on YOU to help me and bring me through this life victoriously to YOUR SIDE. I will obey YOU in everything-help me to do this!

in JESUS Name I am requesting all these favors from YOU, FATHER GOD.



What a beautiful prayer! god is so good! god bless, BeckieComment from beckieramos - 1/3/06 8:00 PM

How fitting for the New Year! This is what we should all have in our hearts and on our minds. - Barbara from bhbner2him - 1/2/06 8:27 PM

amen, wonderful prayer cammie. May your 2006 be the best yethugsangelrose from angelrose2u - 1/2/06 8:02 PM

Beautiful prayer! Happy New Year's to you and yours!bettyComment from lv2trnscrb - 1/1/06 7:29 PM


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